A Brief Understanding of Data Appending Services


Appending in simple terms means adding an attachment to the existing element. So, data appending is pretty much self-explanatory, adding new data to existing data.

In a competitive business environment, it is essential to understand your customer's requirements in and out based on their previous purchase or order. Why did they buy it? When did they buy it? How frequently do they buy it? - This information is precious to establish and effectively market your brand.

More than 90% of the businesses collect this information since the beginning of the business. But the question is- Is all the collected data accurate and still relevant? What if the Email Id of some of your customers has been changed after that? What if their mailing addresses and zip codes have changed? And what if the customer is no more in your demographical range?

Having accurate data is equally important as the size of data. Remember the quote "Knowledge is power"? I'm sure most of you do. But do you remember the quote "Half knowledge is worse than ignorance"?

Here the data you have is your knowledge on your customer. Irrelevant and half baked data is your half knowledge on them.

No customer likes it when they receive wrong emails and emails from businesses. If they do then the chances of customers losing trust and confidence in your business is very high. Trust and confidence are the two pillars that turn a customer into a loyal customer.

Here data appending and reverse appending plays a major role. Data appending fills in the gaps in your existing data, whereas reverse appending gets rid of inaccurate and irrelevant data.

Benefits of using Data Appending

1. Clean and clear information

Data appending will help your business get in touch with your old customers with whom you have lost touch due to change in email id or change in contact number or change in zip code and postal address or any such reason. As a result, you will be able to revive your reach to the customers that you have lost touch.

Regular data appending will update your existing list avoiding any miscommunication or losing touch with your existing customers.

2. Reduction in wastage

By appending your data you will reduce undeliverable mails, increase response rates, boost saving, and maximize ROI.

This will reduce customer retention and customer acquisition cost.

3. Supplementary information

With more information comes more knowledge about your customers or prospects. Apart from just their name, email, address, and other basic information you can know their gender, birthdays, their foundation day (for B2B businesses), income, lifestyle, social media handles, etc. All this supplementary information will help you personalize your approach much more.

For instance, you can send a special birthday offer to your customers on their birthdays along with wishes, you can provide special discount offers based on their income, send a special offer or discount when your customer reaches a new milestone on social media ( if you are targeting social media influencers) and much more.

This will make your customer or prospect feel special and the chances of conversion from prospect to customer and customer to the loyal customer are very high and will happen very quickly.

4. Better segmentation

With more information comes the opportunity for wider segmentation. As said earlier with data appending you can get a lot of supplementary information based on this you can segregate your much further.

This will give you new ideas on how to approach your prospects.

5. Competitive advantage

With the right data, you can approach your prospects and customers through the right channel at the right time. This will help you gain a strong foothold in your market and soon you will be one of the leaders in your market.


They are many benefits of data appending that aren't mentioned here. It doesn't just boost your sales and maximize your ROI; it strengthens your relationship with your prospects and customers which will play a major role in your online lead generation strategy.

AverickMedia provides data appending services, be it email appending, physical mailing address appending, reverse appending, phone and fax appending, etc; AverickMedia got you covered in every aspect of data appending service.

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