SIC Code 2099 - Food Preparations

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Food Preparations. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 2099 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Food Preparations Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 2099 Food Preparations, Nec 7,177
SIC Code 209900 Food preparations, nec 3,397
SIC Code 20990000 Food preparations, nec 3,397
SIC Code 209901 Syrups 433
SIC Code 20990100 Syrups 33
SIC Code 20990101 Maple syrup 382
SIC Code 20990102 Molasses, mixed or blended: from purchased
SIC Code 20990103 Pancake syrup, blended and mixed 2
SIC Code 20990104 Sorghum syrups, for sweetening 9
SIC Code 209902 Baking powder and soda, yeast, and other
leavening agents
SIC Code 20990200 Baking powder and soda, yeast, and other
leavening agents
SIC Code 20990201 Baking powder 4
SIC Code 20990202 Baking soda 3
SIC Code 20990203 Leavening compounds, prepared 1
SIC Code 20990204 Yeast 20
SIC Code 209903 Dessert mixes and fillings 123
SIC Code 20990300 Dessert mixes and fillings 55
SIC Code 20990301 Cake fillings, except fruit 3
SIC Code 20990302 Desserts, ready-to-mix 34
SIC Code 20990303 Frosting mixes, dry: for cakes,
cookies, etc.
SIC Code 20990304 Frosting, ready-to-use 2
SIC Code 20990305 Gelatin dessert preparations 8
SIC Code 20990306 Marshmallow creme 1
SIC Code 20990307 Pie fillings, except fruit, meat,
and vegetable
SIC Code 209904 Seasonings and spices 572
SIC Code 20990400 Seasonings and spices 344
SIC Code 20990402 Chili pepper or powder 22
SIC Code 20990403 Seasonings: dry mixes 64
SIC Code 20990404 Spices, including grinding 138
SIC Code 209905 Sauce, gravy, dressing, and dip mixes 429
SIC Code 20990500 Sauce, gravy, dressing, and dip mixes 124
SIC Code 20990501 Dips, except cheese and sour
cream based
SIC Code 20990502 Dressings, salad: dry mixes 10
SIC Code 20990503 Gravy mixes, dry 2
SIC Code 20990504 Sauces: dry mixes 28
SIC Code 209906 Sugar 62
SIC Code 20990600 Sugar 28
SIC Code 20990601 Sugar grinding 4
SIC Code 20990602 Sugar powdered, from purchased
SIC Code 20990603 Sugar, industrial maple 25
SIC Code 209907 Ready-to-eat meals, salads, and
SIC Code 20990700 Ready-to-eat meals, salads, and
SIC Code 20990701 Box lunches, for sale off premises 31
SIC Code 20990702 Cole slaw, in bulk 8
SIC Code 20990703 Cracker sandwiches, made from
purchased crackers
SIC Code 20990704 Pizza, refrigerated: except frozen 15
SIC Code 20990705 Salads, fresh or refrigerated 113
SIC Code 20990706 Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for
wholesale market
SIC Code 209908 Pasta, rice, and potato, packaged
combination products
SIC Code 20990800 Pasta, rice, and potato, packaged
combination products
SIC Code 20990801 Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other
SIC Code 20990802 Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other
SIC Code 20990803 Potatoes, dried: packaged with other
SIC Code 20990804 Rice, uncooked: packaged with other
SIC Code 209999 Food preparations, nec, nec 1,499
SIC Code 20999901 Almond pastes 37
SIC Code 20999902 Bouillon cubes 6
SIC Code 20999903 Bread crumbs, except made in bakeries 13
SIC Code 20999904 Butter, renovated and processed 11
SIC Code 20999905 Carob processing 1
SIC Code 20999906 Cider, nonalcoholic 71
SIC Code 20999907 Coconut, desiccated and shredded 14
SIC Code 20999908 Emulsifiers, food 45
SIC Code 20999909 Honey, strained and bottled 113
SIC Code 20999910 Jelly, corncob (gelatin) 12
SIC Code 20999911 Noodles, fried (Chinese) 33
SIC Code 20999912 Peanut butter 92
SIC Code 20999913 Pectin 2
SIC Code 20999914 Popcorn, packaged: except already popped 41
SIC Code 20999915 Potatoes, peeled for the trade 7
SIC Code 20999917 Tea blending 183
SIC Code 20999918 Tofu, except frozen desserts 32
SIC Code 20999919 Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated 627
SIC Code 20999920 Vegetables, peeled for the trade 30
SIC Code 20999921 Vinegar 127
SIC Code 20999922 Fat substitutes 2

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Database of SIC Code 2099 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily engaged in producing prepared foods and other food specialties not otherwise classified, such as peanut butter, packaged tea, including instant tea, ground spices, vinegar, and cider, as well as baking powder, yeast, and other leavening agents. Establishments primarily involved in producing dry preparations, excluding flour mixes, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, textured vegetable protein, and similar products that are packaged with other ingredients to be prepared and cooked by the consumer, are also included in this industry.

SIC Code 2099 - Food Preparations Mailing List SIC Code Almond Pastes
Baking Powder Manufacturers Prepared Leavening Compounds Suppliers
Gelatin Dessert Preparation Centers Chinese Noodles Making Companies
Peanut Butter Manufacturers Cake Frosting Mixes
Dessert Mixes and Fillings Sugar Grinding
Seasonings and Spices Suppliers SIC Code Syrups and Sweetening
Peeled Vegetables Bouillon cubes Manufacturers
Meat Seasonings Mailing List Tea Blending Manufacturers
Pasta, Rice and Potato, Packaged Combination Products Packaged Combination Products Suppliers

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Food Preparations Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Food Preparations List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 2099 Food Preparations Industries Database

Baker Commodities Inc Treehouse Foods Inc Conagra Brands Inc
Olam United States of America McCormick And Company Inc Pepsico Inc Corporate Headquarters
J.M. Smucker Company Mondelez International Inc Campbell Soup Company
Sargento Foods Inc Snyder's Lance Inc Berner Foods And Beverage Inc

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