SIC Code 3089 - Plastics Products

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SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3089 Plastics Products, Nec 10,263
SIC Code 308900 Plastics products, nec 425
SIC Code 30890000 Plastics products, nec 425
SIC Code 308901 Plastics containers, except foam 1,195
SIC Code 30890100 Plastics containers, except foam 741
SIC Code 30890101 Battery cases, plastics or plastics combination 17
SIC Code 30890102 Boxes, plastics 44
SIC Code 30890103 Buckets, plastics 20
SIC Code 30890104 Cases, plastics 65
SIC Code 30890105 Garbage containers, plastics 69
SIC Code 30890106 Jars, plastics 12
SIC Code 30890107 Organizers for closets, drawers, etc.: plastics 72
SIC Code 30890108 Pails, plastics 8
SIC Code 30890109 Planters, plastics 24
SIC Code 30890110 Plastics and fiberglass tanks 104
SIC Code 30890111 Tubs, plastics (containers) 19
SIC Code 308902 Plastics kitchenware, tableware, and houseware 537
SIC Code 30890200 Plastics kitchenware, tableware, and houseware 161
SIC Code 30890201 Bottle caps, molded plastics 91
SIC Code 30890202 Bowl covers, plastics 3
SIC Code 30890203 Caps, plastics 27
SIC Code 30890204 Carafes, plastics 1
SIC Code 30890205 Clothes hangers, plastics 20
SIC Code 30890207 Cups, plastics, except foam 37
SIC Code 30890208 Dishes, plastics, except foam 5
SIC Code 30890209 Flower pots, plastics 9
SIC Code 30890210 Holders: paper towel, grocery bag, etc.: plastics 29
SIC Code 30890211 Kitchenware, plastics 46
SIC Code 30890212 Lamp bases and shades, plastics 7
SIC Code 30890213 Picnic jugs, plastics 0
SIC Code 30890214 Plates, plastics 10
SIC Code 30890215 Saucers, plastics 0
SIC Code 30890216 Tableware, plastics 12
SIC Code 30890217 Tissue dispensers, plastics 12
SIC Code 30890218 Tops: dispenser, shaker, etc.: plastics 6
SIC Code 30890219 Trays, plastics 34
SIC Code 30890220 Tumblers, plastics 25
SIC Code 30890221 Watering pots, plastics 1
SIC Code 308903 Plastics hardware and building products 829
SIC Code 30890300 Plastics hardware and building products 233
SIC Code 30890301 Awnings, fiberglass and plastics combination 21
SIC Code 30890302 Composition stone, plastics 11
SIC Code 30890303 Corrugated panels, plastics 10
SIC Code 30890304 Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated fabric 17
SIC Code 30890305 Downspouts, plastics 0
SIC Code 30890306 Ducting, plastics 10
SIC Code 30890307 Fences, gates, and accessories: plastics 77
SIC Code 30890308 Fittings for pipe, plastics 57
SIC Code 30890309 Flat panels, plastics 10
SIC Code 30890310 Gutters (glass fiber reinforced), fiberglass or plastics 21
SIC Code 30890311 Hardware, plastics 34
SIC Code 30890312 Netting, plastics 15
SIC Code 30890313 Panels, building: plastics, nec 49
SIC Code 30890314 Reinforcing mesh, plastics 11
SIC Code 30890315 Septic tanks, plastics 25
SIC Code 30890316 Shutters, plastics 15
SIC Code 30890317 Siding, plastics 17
SIC Code 30890318 Spouting, plastics and glass fiber reinforced 11
SIC Code 30890319 Washers, plastics 5
SIC Code 30890320 Window frames and sash, plastics 46
SIC Code 30890321 Window screening, plastics 10
SIC Code 30890322 Windows, plastics 92
SIC Code 30890323 Prefabricated plastics buildings 12
SIC Code 30890324 Fiberglass doors 20
SIC Code 308904 Boot or shoe products, plastics 8
SIC Code 30890400 Boot or shoe products, plastics 5
SIC Code 30890401 Heels, boot or shoe: plastics 0
SIC Code 30890402 Soles, boot or shoe: plastics 3
SIC Code 30890403 Soling strips, boot or shoe: plastics 0
SIC Code 308905 Plastics boats and other marine equipment 73
SIC Code 30890500 Plastics boats and other marine equipment 58
SIC Code 30890501 Boats, nonrigid: plastics 4
SIC Code 30890502 Buoys and floats, plastics 8
SIC Code 30890503 Life rafts, nonrigid: plastics 0
SIC Code 30890504 Pontoons, nonrigid: plastics 3
SIC Code 308906 Plastics processing 6,205
SIC Code 30890600 Plastics processing 341
SIC Code 30890601 Blow molded finished plastics products, nec 78
SIC Code 30890602 Casein products 2
SIC Code 30890603 Casting of plastics 19
SIC Code 30890604 Celluloid products 6
SIC Code 30890605 Coloring and finishing of plastics products 21
SIC Code 30890606 Engraving of plastics 41
SIC Code 30890607 Fiber, vulcanized 1
SIC Code 30890608 Injection molded finished plastics products, nec 596
SIC Code 30890609 Injection molding of plastics 4,122
SIC Code 30890610 Laminating of plastics 45
SIC Code 30890611 Molding primary plastics 571
SIC Code 30890612 Synthetic resin finished products, nec 46
SIC Code 30890613 Thermoformed finished plastics products, nec 158
SIC Code 30890614 Vulcanized fiber plates, sheets, rods, or tubes 4
SIC Code 30890615 Extruded finished plastics products, nec 154
SIC Code 308999 Plastics products, nec, nec 991
SIC Code 30899901 Air mattresses, plastics 65
SIC Code 30899902 Aquarium accessories, plastics 19
SIC Code 30899903 Bands, plastics 12
SIC Code 30899904 Bearings, plastics 10
SIC Code 30899905 Billfold inserts, plastics 6
SIC Code 30899906 Blister or bubble formed packaging, plastics 40
SIC Code 30899907 Closures, plastics 30
SIC Code 30899908 Combs, plastics 2
SIC Code 30899909 Floor coverings, plastics 22
SIC Code 30899910 Food casings, plastics 15
SIC Code 30899911 Gloves or mittens, plastics 9
SIC Code 30899912 Handles, brush or tool: plastics 15
SIC Code 30899913 Identification cards, plastics 91
SIC Code 30899914 Kits, plastics 10
SIC Code 30899915 Lenses, except optical: plastics 11
SIC Code 30899916 Monofilaments, nontextile 7
SIC Code 30899917 Novelties, plastics 61
SIC Code 30899918 Pallets, plastics 59
SIC Code 30899919 Sponges, plastics 6
SIC Code 30899920 Stock shapes, plastics 12
SIC Code 30899922 Tires, plastics 13
SIC Code 30899923 Toilets, portable chemical: plastics 26
SIC Code 30899924 Windshields, plastics 15
SIC Code 30899925 Work gloves, plastics 26
SIC Code 30899926 Automotive parts, plastic 409

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Database of SIC Code 3089 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics products, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing artificial leather are classified in Industry 2295.

SIC Code 3089 - Plastics Products Plastic Fiberglass Manufacturing Industry
Kitchenware Plastic Items Manufacturers Plastic Fiber Glass Materials Suppliers
Plastic Containers Manufacturing Company Laboratory Plasticwares Manufacturers
Plastic wear Covers and Blankets Manufacturers Air Mattresses Manufacturers
Plastic Aquarium Accessories Clothes Hangers Manufacturers
SIC Code Plastic Combs Plastic Composition Stones
Counter Coverings Suppliers Flower Pots and Floor Coverings
Plastic Septic Tanks Brush Handle Manufacturing Companies
Plastic Buoys and Floats Battery Cases Manufacturers
Garbage Plastic Containers Plastic Caps Manufacturing Industry
SIC Code Casein Products Molded Celluloid Plastic Products
Plastic Buckets Manufacturers List Plastic Boxes Manufacturing Industry

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Plastics Products List information up-to-date.

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Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 3089 Plastics Products Industries Database

Priority Plastics Inc George Fischer Inc Restech Plastic Molding
Allegheny Plastics Inc Petroflex N.A., Ltd Foam Molders Inc
Yasufuku USA Inc Ach Foam Technologies Inc Dynaric Inc
Amcor Rigid Plastics USA Inc Storopack Inc Eclipse Mold Inc

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