SIC Code 3443 - Fabricated Plate Work

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Fabricated Plate Work. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3443 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Fabricated Plate Work Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3443 Fabricated Plate Work (boiler Shop) 2,898
SIC Code 344300 Fabricated plate work (boiler shop) 806
SIC Code 34430000 Fabricated plate work (boiler shop) 806
SIC Code 344301 Industrial vessels, tanks, and containers 1,133
SIC Code 34430100 Industrial vessels, tanks, and containers 163
SIC Code 34430101 Autoclaves, industrial 8
SIC Code 34430102 Bins, prefabricated metal plate 17
SIC Code 34430103 Columns (fractioning, etc.): metal plate 0
SIC Code 34430104 Cryogenic tanks, for liquids and gases 31
SIC Code 34430105 Cyclones, industrial: metal plate 1
SIC Code 34430106 Digesters, process: metal plate 1
SIC Code 34430107 Drums, knockout (reflux etc.): metal plate 0
SIC Code 34430108 Dumpsters, garbage 334
SIC Code 34430109 Farm storage tanks, metal plate 10
SIC Code 34430110 Fuel tanks (oil, gas, etc.), metal plate 78
SIC Code 34430111 Gas holders, metal plate 1
SIC Code 34430112 Hoppers, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34430113 Housings, pressure 22
SIC Code 34430114 Jackets, industrial: metal plate 2
SIC Code 34430115 Process vessels, industrial: metal plate 18
SIC Code 34430116 Separators, industrial process: metal plate 11
SIC Code 34430117 Spheres, for liquids or gas: metal plate 0
SIC Code 34430118 Stills, pressure: metal plate 3
SIC Code 34430119 Tank towers, metal plate 10
SIC Code 34430120 Tanks for tank trucks, metal plate 34
SIC Code 34430121 Tanks, lined: metal plate 45
SIC Code 34430122 Tanks, standard or custom fabricated:
metal plate
SIC Code 34430123 Towers (bubble, cooling, fractionating, etc.):
metal plate
SIC Code 34430124 Trash racks, metal plate 13
SIC Code 34430125 Vats, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34430126 Vessels, process or storage (from boiler shops):
metal plate
SIC Code 34430127 Water tanks, metal plate 46
SIC Code 344302 Heat exchangers, condensers, and components 337
SIC Code 34430200 Heat exchangers, condensers, and components 138
SIC Code 34430201 Air coolers, metal plate 25
SIC Code 34430202 Air preheaters, nonrotating: plate type 3
SIC Code 34430203 Barometric condensers 1
SIC Code 34430204 Condenser boxes, metal plate 0
SIC Code 34430205 Condensers, steam 3
SIC Code 34430206 Cooling towers, metal plate 55
SIC Code 34430207 Finned tubes, for heat transfer 14
SIC Code 34430208 Heat exchangers, plate type 34
SIC Code 34430209 Heat exchangers: coolers (after, inter),
condensers, etc.
SIC Code 344303 Boiler and boiler shop work 81
SIC Code 34430300 Boiler and boiler shop work 24
SIC Code 34430301 Boiler casing, metal plate 0
SIC Code 34430302 Boiler shop products: boilers, smokestacks,
steel tanks
SIC Code 34430303 Boilers: industrial, power, or marine 26
SIC Code 34430304 Economizers (boilers) 5
SIC Code 344304 Plate work for the metalworking trade 41
SIC Code 34430400 Plate work for the metalworking trade 23
SIC Code 34430401 Annealing boxes, pots, or covers 1
SIC Code 34430402 Cars, for hot metal 8
SIC Code 34430403 Mixers, for hot metal 2
SIC Code 34430404 Pots: annealing, melting, or smelting 6
SIC Code 34430405 Retorts, industrial: smelting, etc. 1
SIC Code 344305 Plate work for the nuclear industry 43
SIC Code 34430500 Plate work for the nuclear industry 2
SIC Code 34430501 Atomic waste casks 1
SIC Code 34430502 Housing cabinets for radium, metal plate 4
SIC Code 34430503 Nuclear core structurals, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34430504 Nuclear reactors, military or industrial 20
SIC Code 34430505 Nuclear shielding, metal plate 4
SIC Code 34430506 Pressurizers or auxiliary equipment, nuclear:
metal plate
SIC Code 34430507 Reactor containment vessels, metal plate 7
SIC Code 344306 Liners/lining 25
SIC Code 34430600 Liners/lining 18
SIC Code 34430601 Liners, industrial: metal plate 7
SIC Code 344307 Metal parts 175
SIC Code 34430700 Metal parts 155
SIC Code 34430701 Baffles 6
SIC Code 34430702 Breechings, metal plate 1
SIC Code 34430703 Cable trays, metal plate 11
SIC Code 34430704 Crane hooks, laminated plate 0
SIC Code 34430705 Floating covers, metal plate 1
SIC Code 344308 Chutes and troughs 18
SIC Code 34430800 Chutes and troughs 9
SIC Code 34430801 Chutes, metal plate 5
SIC Code 34430802 Flumes, metal plate 3
SIC Code 34430803 Penstocks, metal plate 1
SIC Code 34430804 Troughs, industrial: metal plate 0
SIC Code 344309 Pipe, standpipe, and culverts 24
SIC Code 34430900 Pipe, standpipe, and culverts 6
SIC Code 34430901 Culverts, metal plate 6
SIC Code 34430902 Pipe, large diameter: metal plate 12
SIC Code 34430903 Standpipes 0
SIC Code 344310 Wind and vacuum tunnels 15
SIC Code 34431000 Wind and vacuum tunnels 0
SIC Code 34431001 Vacuum tunnels, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34431002 Wind tunnels 13
SIC Code 344311 Chambers and caissons 21
SIC Code 34431100 Chambers and caissons 8
SIC Code 34431101 Airlocks 7
SIC Code 34431102 Caissons, metal plate 0
SIC Code 34431103 Fumigating chambers, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34431104 Space simulation chambers, metal plate 1
SIC Code 34431105 Sterilizing chambers, metal plate 3
SIC Code 344399 Fabricated plate work (boiler shop), nec 179
SIC Code 34439901 Buoys, metal 6
SIC Code 34439902 Containers, shipping (bombs, etc.):
metal plate
SIC Code 34439903 Cupolas, metal plate 3
SIC Code 34439904 Cylinders, pressure: metal plate 36
SIC Code 34439905 Ducting, metal plate 10
SIC Code 34439906 High vacuum coaters, metal plate 5
SIC Code 34439907 Hoods, industrial: metal plate 3
SIC Code 34439908 Ladle bails 0
SIC Code 34439909 Ladles, metal plate 0
SIC Code 34439910 Missile silos and components, metal plate 2
SIC Code 34439911 Perforating on heavy metal 7
SIC Code 34439912 Rocket transportation casings 1
SIC Code 34439913 Scroll casings 1
SIC Code 34439914 Smokestacks, boiler plate 2
SIC Code 34439915 Truss plates, metal 28
SIC Code 34439916 Weldments 46

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Database of SIC Code 3443 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily involved in the process of cutting, forming, and joining metal plates, shapes, bars, sheets, pipe mill products, and tubing to custom or standard designs, for factory or field assembly, to produce power and marine boilers, pressure and nonpressure tanks, processing and storage vessels, heat exchangers, and similar products. Manufacturing businesses that produce warm air heating furnaces are categorised under Industry 3585; manufacturing businesses that produce other nonelectric heating devices, excluding power boilers, are categorised under Industry 3433; manufacturing businesses that produce household cooking appliances are categorised under Industry 3631; and manufacturing businesses that produce industrial process furnaces and ovens are categorised under Industry 3567.

SIC Code 3443 - Fabricated Plate Work Metal Plate Cable Trays Suppliers
Reactor Containment Vessels SIC Code Gas Tanks
Missile Silos and Components Industry Metal Plate Breechings Suppliers
Cryogenic Tanks Manufacturers Oil Storage Tanks
Boilers Manufacturing Industry Oil Fired Boiler Manufacturers
Industrial Tank Manufacturing Company Fractionating Columns Manufacturers
Rocket Transportation Casings Fuel Tanks Manufacturing Company
SIC Code Metal Plate Cryogenic Tanks Prefabricated Metal Plate Manufacturers
SIC Code Metal Plate Cylinders Metal Plate Floating Covers Suppliers
SIC Code Boiler Shop Products SIC Code Industrial Boilers, Smokestacks, and Steel Tanks
Condenser Metal Plate Boxes Suppliers Metal Plate Containers Manufacturing Company
Industrial Autoclaves Manufacturers Metal Plate Culverts Manufacturers

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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Fabricated Plate Work List information up-to-date.

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SIC Code 3443 Fabricated Plate Work Industries Database

Alaskan Copper Companies Inc BWX Technologies Inc Thar Process Inc
Toshiba America Energy Systems Chart Industries Piping Technology And Products Inc
Dakota Manufacturing Co Inc Western Industries Inc Areva NP Inc
Babcock And Wilcox Gaston County Dyeing Machine Metal Impact South, LLC

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