SIC Code 3559 - Special Industry Machinery

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Special Industry Machinery. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3559 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Special Industry Machinery Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3559 Special Industry Machinery, Nec 2,634
SIC Code 355900 Special industry machinery, nec 204
SIC Code 35590000 Special industry machinery, nec 204
SIC Code 355901 Sewing machines and hat and zipper
making machinery
SIC Code 35590100 Sewing machines and hat and zipper
making machinery
SIC Code 35590101 Bag seaming and closing machines
(sewing machinery)
SIC Code 35590102 Button sewing machines 0
SIC Code 35590103 Buttonhole and eyelet machines and
attachments, industrial
SIC Code 35590105 Hat making and hat renovating machinery 7
SIC Code 35590106 Sewing machines and attachments,
industrial, nec
SIC Code 35590107 Zipper making machinery 0
SIC Code 355902 Boots, shoes, and leather working
SIC Code 35590200 Boots, shoes, and leather working
SIC Code 35590201 Boot making and repairing machinery 1
SIC Code 35590202 Leather working machinery 8
SIC Code 35590203 Scouring machines (tannery equipment) 0
SIC Code 35590204 Shoe making and repairing machinery 3
SIC Code 35590205 Tannery machines 1
SIC Code 355903 Automotive related machinery 466
SIC Code 35590300 Automotive related machinery 256
SIC Code 35590301 Automotive maintenance equipment 126
SIC Code 35590302 Degreasing machines, automotive and
SIC Code 35590303 Frame straighteners, automobile
(garage equipment)
SIC Code 35590304 Pack-up assemblies, wheel overhaul 6
SIC Code 35590305 Wheel balancing equipment,
SIC Code 355904 Refinery, chemical processing, and
similar machinery
SIC Code 35590400 Refinery, chemical processing, and
similar machinery
SIC Code 35590401 Chemical machinery and equipment 100
SIC Code 35590402 Cryogenic machinery, industrial 49
SIC Code 35590403 Desalination equipment 21
SIC Code 35590404 Petroleum refinery equipment 50
SIC Code 355905 Foundry, smelting, refining, and
similar machinery
SIC Code 35590500 Foundry, smelting, refining, and
similar machinery
SIC Code 35590501 Foundry machinery and equipment 44
SIC Code 35590502 Smelting and refining machinery
and equipment
SIC Code 355906 Kilns 107
SIC Code 35590600 Kilns 90
SIC Code 35590601 Kilns, cement 1
SIC Code 35590602 Kilns, chemical 1
SIC Code 35590603 Kilns, lumber 15
SIC Code 355907 Rubber working machinery,
including tires
SIC Code 35590700 Rubber working machinery,
including tires
SIC Code 35590701 Tire grooving machines 1
SIC Code 35590702 Tire retreading machinery and equipment 9
SIC Code 35590703 Tire shredding machinery 22
SIC Code 355999 Special industry machinery, nec, nec 1,305
SIC Code 35599901 Ammunition and explosives,
loading machinery
SIC Code 35599902 Anodizing equipment 13
SIC Code 35599903 Brick making machinery 5
SIC Code 35599904 Broom making machinery 2
SIC Code 35599905 Cement making machinery 3
SIC Code 35599906 Clay working and tempering machines 6
SIC Code 35599907 Concrete products machinery 27
SIC Code 35599909 Cotton ginning machinery 22
SIC Code 35599910 Electron tube making machinery 6
SIC Code 35599911 Electroplating machinery and equipment 24
SIC Code 35599912 Glass making machinery: blowing,
molding, forming, etc.
SIC Code 35599913 Jewelers' machines 10
SIC Code 35599914 Lamp making machinery, incandescent 2
SIC Code 35599915 Metal finishing equipment for plating, etc. 77
SIC Code 35599916 Metal pickling equipment 0
SIC Code 35599917 Nuclear reactor control rod and
drive mechanism
SIC Code 35599918 Optical lens machinery 17
SIC Code 35599919 Ozone machines 18
SIC Code 35599920 Paint making machinery 27
SIC Code 35599921 Parking facility equipment and supplies 33
SIC Code 35599922 Pharmaceutical machinery 81
SIC Code 35599923 Plastics working machinery 130
SIC Code 35599924 Pottery making machinery 7
SIC Code 35599925 Robots, molding and forming plastics 25
SIC Code 35599926 Screening equipment, electric 20
SIC Code 35599927 Semiconductor manufacturing machinery 233
SIC Code 35599928 Separation equipment, magnetic 15
SIC Code 35599929 Silver recovery equipment 4
SIC Code 35599930 Stone tumblers 0
SIC Code 35599931 Stone working machinery 24
SIC Code 35599932 Synthetic filament extruding machines 6
SIC Code 35599933 Tile making machines 2
SIC Code 35599934 Tobacco products machinery 24
SIC Code 35599935 Wallpaper trimmers 1
SIC Code 35599936 Watch rate recorders 0
SIC Code 35599937 Recycling machinery 148
SIC Code 35599938 Fiber optics strand coating machinery 10
SIC Code 35599939 Electronic component making machinery 165
SIC Code 35599940 Glass cutting machinery 5
SIC Code 35599941 Ice resurfacing machinery 5
SIC Code 35599942 Vibratory parts handling equipment 18

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Database of SIC Code 3559 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily producing special industry machinery that is not otherwise classified, such as smelting and refining equipment, cement, clay, cotton ginning, glass, hat, incandescent lamp, leather, paint, rubber, cigar and cigarette, tobacco, shoe, and stone machinery, industrial sewing machines, and automotive maintenance equipment.

SIC Code 3559 - Special Industry Machinery Sewing Machines and Attachments
Electroplating Machinery and Equipment Foundry Machinery and Equipment
Shoe Making and Repairing Machinery Tobacco Products Machinery
Stone Working Machinery Cement Making Machinery
Metal Smelting and Refining Machinery Chemical Machinery and Equipment
Boot Making and Repairing Machinery Petroleum Refinery Equipments
Pharmaceutical Machinery SIC Code Lamp Making Machinery
Rubber Products Machinery SIC Code Brick Making Machines
Buttonhole and Eyelet Machines Leather Working Machinery
Metal Finishing Equipment SIC Code Paint Making Machinery
Tire Shredding Machinery Plastics Working Machinery
Cigarette and Cigar Making Machines Semiconductor Manufacturing Machinery
SIC Code Concrete Products Machinery Electron Tube Making Machinery
Pottery Making Machinery SIC Code Tile Making Machines
Tire Grooving Machines Bag Sewing and Closing Machines

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Special Industry Machinery Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Special Industry Machinery List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 3559 Special Industry Machinery Industries Database

Toppan Photomasks Inc GT Advanced Technologies Inc Bulk Handling Systems
Axcelis Technologies Inc Columbia Steel Casting Co Inc Immediate Response Tech Inc
Nachi Robotics Systems Inc Marco Global Inc Fanuc Robotics America Inc
Preferred Utilities Mfg. Corp Numerical Concepts Inc Perma Pipe International Holdings Inc

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