SIC Code 3841 - Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3841 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3841 Surgical and Medical Instruments 6,103
SIC Code 384100 Surgical and medical instruments 4,122
SIC Code 38410000 Surgical and medical instruments 4,122
SIC Code 384101 Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus 97
SIC Code 38410100 Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus 54
SIC Code 38410101 Muscle exercise apparatus, ophthalmic 26
SIC Code 38410102 Ophthalmic lasers 16
SIC Code 384102 Diagnostic apparatus, medical 660
SIC Code 38410200 Diagnostic apparatus, medical 573
SIC Code 38410201 Biopsy instruments and equipment 16
SIC Code 38410202 Blood pressure apparatus 17
SIC Code 38410204 Corneal microscopes 2
SIC Code 38410205 Cystoscopes 1
SIC Code 38410206 Eye examining instruments and apparatus 30
SIC Code 38410207 Gastroscopes, except electromedical 4
SIC Code 38410208 Ophthalmometers and ophthalmoscopes 0
SIC Code 38410209 Optometers 10
SIC Code 38410210 Otoscopes, except electromedical 2
SIC Code 38410211 Pelvimeters 0
SIC Code 38410212 Retinoscopes 1
SIC Code 38410214 Tonometers, medical 1
SIC Code 384103 Veterinarians' instruments and apparatus 50
SIC Code 38410300 Veterinarians' instruments and apparatus 47
SIC Code 38410301 Rifles, for propelling hypodermics into animals 3
SIC Code 384104 Surgical instruments and apparatus 640
SIC Code 38410400 Surgical instruments and apparatus 272
SIC Code 38410401 Anesthesia apparatus 69
SIC Code 38410402 Cannulae 5
SIC Code 38410403 Catheters 92
SIC Code 38410404 Clamps, surgical 3
SIC Code 38410405 Fixation appliances, internal 5
SIC Code 38410406 Forceps, surgical 2
SIC Code 38410407 Holders, surgical needle 3
SIC Code 38410408 Hypodermic needles and syringes 39
SIC Code 38410409 Inhalators, surgical and medical 13
SIC Code 38410410 Instruments, microsurgical: except
SIC Code 38410411 Knives, surgical 6
SIC Code 38410412 Metabolism apparatus 0
SIC Code 38410413 Needles, suture 10
SIC Code 38410414 Probes, surgical 2
SIC Code 38410415 Retractors 2
SIC Code 38410416 Saws, surgical 1
SIC Code 38410417 Speculums 0
SIC Code 38410418 Suction therapy apparatus 17
SIC Code 38410419 Surgical knife blades and handles 7
SIC Code 38410420 Surgical lasers 62
SIC Code 38410421 Surgical stapling devices 7
SIC Code 38410422 Trocars 2
SIC Code 384105 Medical instruments and equipment,
blood and bone work
SIC Code 38410500 Medical instruments and equipment,
blood and bone work
SIC Code 38410501 Blood transfusion equipment 6
SIC Code 38410502 Bone drills 1
SIC Code 38410503 Bone plates and screws 12
SIC Code 38410505 Hemodialysis apparatus 16
SIC Code 38410506 IV transfusion apparatus 28
SIC Code 384199 Surgical and medical instruments, nec 108
SIC Code 38419901 Inhalation therapy equipment 31
SIC Code 38419902 Operating tables 6
SIC Code 38419903 Oxygen tents 3
SIC Code 38419904 Physiotherapy equipment, electrical 29
SIC Code 38419905 Skin grafting equipment 23
SIC Code 38419906 Stethoscopes and stethographs 7
SIC Code 38419907 Ultrasonic medical cleaning equipment 9

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Database of SIC Code 3841 - Related Businesses

Establishments that specialise in producing veterinary, medical, surgical, and ophthalmic equipment. Establishments that manufacture electrotherapeutic and electromedical apparatus are classed in Industry 3845; those that manufacture X-ray apparatus are classified in Industry 3844; while establishments that manufacture surgical and orthopaedic appliances are classified in Industry 3842.

SIC Code 3841 - Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus Inhalation Therapy Equipment
Surgical Knife Blades and Handles Anesthesia Apparatus
Surgical Stapling Devices Ophthalmic Instruments and Apparatus
Biopsy Instruments and Equipment Ophthalmometers and Ophthalmoscopes
Physiotherapy Equipment Surgical Instruments and Apparatus
Diagnostic Apparatus Eye Examining Instruments and Apparatus
Internal Fixation Appliances Retinoscopes and Retractors
Skin Grafting Equipment Service Blood Transfusion Equipment
Stethoscopes and Stethographs Ultrasonic Medical Cleaning Equipment
Bone Plates and Screws Medical Tonometers
Veterinarians Instruments and Apparatus Corneal Microscopes
Suction Therapy Apparatus Hypodermic Needles and Syringes
Sphygmomanometers Blood Pressure Apparatus

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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus List information up-to-date.

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SIC Code 3841 Surgical, Medical Instruments and Apparatus Industries Database

CONMED Corp Invacare Corp Getinge USA Inc
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc Cantel Medical Corp Baxter International Inc
Lantheus Holdings Inc Karl Storz Endoscopy America Inc Lifewatch Services Inc
Boston Scientific Corp Instrumentation Laboratory Co Atricure

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