SIC Code 3999 - Manufacturing Industries

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Manufacturing Industries. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 3999 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Manufacturing Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 3999 Manufacturing Industries, Nec 33,803
SIC Code 399900 Manufacturing industries, nec 19,437
SIC Code 39990000 Manufacturing industries, nec 19,437
SIC Code 399901 Barber and beauty shop equipment 1,586
SIC Code 39990100 Barber and beauty shop equipment 1,124
SIC Code 39990101 Chairs, hydraulic, barber and beauty shop 46
SIC Code 39990102 Furniture, barber and beauty shop 16
SIC Code 39990103 Hair clippers for human use, hand
and electric
SIC Code 39990104 Hair curlers, designed for beauty parlors 79
SIC Code 39990105 Hair driers, designed for beauty parlors 17
SIC Code 39990106 Hair, dressing of, for the trade 181
SIC Code 39990107 Massage machines, electric: barber
and beauty shops
SIC Code 39990108 Permanent wave equipment and machines 12
SIC Code 39990109 Sterilizers, barber and beauty shop 30
SIC Code 39990110 Vibrators, electric: designed for barber
and beauty shops
SIC Code 399902 Hair and hair-based products 2,220
SIC Code 39990200 Hair and hair-based products 1,796
SIC Code 39990201 Comb mountings 1
SIC Code 39990202 Combs, except hard rubber 10
SIC Code 39990203 Doll wigs (hair) 15
SIC Code 39990204 Hair nets 3
SIC Code 39990205 Hairpin mountings 3
SIC Code 39990206 Pads, permanent waving 2
SIC Code 39990207 Wigs, including doll wigs, toupees,
or wiglets
SIC Code 39990208 Eyelashes, artificial 295
SIC Code 39990209 Barrettes 25
SIC Code 399903 Feathers and feather products 21
SIC Code 39990300 Feathers and feather products 10
SIC Code 39990301 Curling feathers 3
SIC Code 39990302 Down (feathers) 2
SIC Code 39990303 Dusters, feather 0
SIC Code 39990304 Feathers, dyeing, except ostrich 0
SIC Code 39990305 Feathers, ostrich, curling and dyeing 2
SIC Code 39990306 Feathers, renovating 2
SIC Code 39990307 Trimmings, feather 2
SIC Code 399904 Furs 161
SIC Code 39990400 Furs 142
SIC Code 39990401 Fur stripping 1
SIC Code 39990402 Furs, dressed: bleached, curried, scraped,
tanned, or dyed
SIC Code 39990403 Pelts: scraping, currying, tanning,
bleaching, and dyeing
SIC Code 399905 Cigarette and cigar products and accessories 1,001
SIC Code 39990500 Cigarette and cigar products and accessories 134
SIC Code 39990501 Cigar and cigarette holders 7
SIC Code 39990502 Cigar lighters, except precious metal 0
SIC Code 39990503 Cigarette filters 6
SIC Code 39990504 Cigarette lighter flints 1
SIC Code 39990505 Cigarette lighters, except precious metal 5
SIC Code 39990506 Cleaners, pipe and cigarette holder 3
SIC Code 39990507 Matches and match books 6
SIC Code 39990508 Pipe cleaners 13
SIC Code 39990509 Tobacco pipes, pipestems, and bits 32
SIC Code 399906 Umbrellas, canes, and parts 52
SIC Code 39990600 Umbrellas, canes, and parts 23
SIC Code 39990601 Canes and cane trimmings, except
precious metal
SIC Code 39990602 Parasols and frames: handles, parts,
and trimmings
SIC Code 39990603 Umbrellas, garden or wagon 18
SIC Code 399907 Artificial trees and flowers 653
SIC Code 39990700 Artificial trees and flowers 56
SIC Code 39990701 Artificial flower arrangements 67
SIC Code 39990702 Christmas trees, artificial 20
SIC Code 39990703 Flowers, artificial and preserved 66
SIC Code 39990704 Foliage, artificial and preserved 4
SIC Code 39990705 Fruits, artificial and preserved 6
SIC Code 39990706 Grasses, artificial and preserved 42
SIC Code 39990707 Plants, artificial and preserved 44
SIC Code 39990708 Sprays, artificial and preserved 24
SIC Code 39990709 Wreaths, artificial 324
SIC Code 399908 Novelties, bric-a-brac, and hobby kits 732
SIC Code 39990800 Novelties, bric-a-brac, and hobby kits 163
SIC Code 39990801 Beads, unassembled 22
SIC Code 39990802 Boutiquing: decorating gift items with
sequins, fruit, etc.
SIC Code 39990803 Bric-a-brac 19
SIC Code 39990804 Burnt wood articles 5
SIC Code 39990805 Calendars, framed 3
SIC Code 39990806 Christmas tree ornaments, except
electrical and glass
SIC Code 39990807 Coins and tokens, non-currency 21
SIC Code 39990808 Embroidery kits 52
SIC Code 39990809 Miniatures 89
SIC Code 39990810 Mosaics: ivory, shell, horn, or bone 1
SIC Code 39990811 Music boxes 22
SIC Code 39990812 Novelties: bone, beaded, or shell 20
SIC Code 39990813 Puppets and marionettes 79
SIC Code 39990814 Sewing kits, novelty 12
SIC Code 39990815 Straw goods 9
SIC Code 39990816 Stringing beads 31
SIC Code 39990817 Tinsel 2
SIC Code 39990818 Wind chimes 25
SIC Code 39990819 Lawn ornaments 32
SIC Code 399909 Beekeepers' supplies 62
SIC Code 39990900 Beekeepers' supplies 36
SIC Code 39990901 Honeycomb foundations (beekeepers' supplies) 22
SIC Code 39990902 Smokers, bee (beekeepers' supplies) 4
SIC Code 399910 Coin-operated amusement machines 124
SIC Code 39991000 Coin-operated amusement machines 87
SIC Code 39991001 Slot machines 37
SIC Code 399911 Models, except toy 196
SIC Code 39991100 Models, except toy 45
SIC Code 39991101 Airplane models, except toy 30
SIC Code 39991102 Boat models, except toy 13
SIC Code 39991103 Models, general, except toy 95
SIC Code 39991104 Railroad models, except toy 13
SIC Code 399912 Identification badges and insignia 174
SIC Code 39991200 Identification badges and insignia 55
SIC Code 39991201 Badges, metal: policemen, firemen, etc. 33
SIC Code 39991202 Buttons: Red Cross, union, identification 14
SIC Code 39991203 Identification plates 15
SIC Code 39991204 Identification tags, except paper 45
SIC Code 39991205 Military insignia 12
SIC Code 399913 Advertising display products 219
SIC Code 39991300 Advertising display products 156
SIC Code 39991301 Advertising curtains 24
SIC Code 39991302 Forms: display, dress, and show 12
SIC Code 39991303 Mannequins 27
SIC Code 399914 Handbag and luggage frames and handles 20
SIC Code 39991400 Handbag and luggage frames and handles 6
SIC Code 39991401 Handbag and pocketbook frames 1
SIC Code 39991402 Handles, handbag and luggage 13
SIC Code 39991403 Luggage frames 0
SIC Code 399999 Manufacturing industries, nec, nec 7,145
SIC Code 39999901 Atomizers, toiletry 390
SIC Code 39999902 Bleaching and dyeing of sponges 6
SIC Code 39999903 Blocks, hat 2
SIC Code 39999904 Bristles, dressing of 2
SIC Code 39999905 Candles 4,053
SIC Code 39999906 Carpet tackles 2
SIC Code 39999907 Decalcomania work, except on china and glass 5
SIC Code 39999908 Desk pads, except paper 3
SIC Code 39999909 Dock equipment and supplies, industrial 60
SIC Code 39999910 Education aids, devices and supplies 269
SIC Code 39999911 Figures, wax 10
SIC Code 39999912 Fingerprint equipment 22
SIC Code 39999913 Fire extinguishers, portable 83
SIC Code 39999914 Flocking metal products 11
SIC Code 39999915 Flyswatters 1
SIC Code 39999916 Globes, geographical 16
SIC Code 39999917 Gold stamping, except books 3
SIC Code 39999918 Grenades, hand (fire extinguishers) 9
SIC Code 39999919 Hosiery kits, sewing and mending 11
SIC Code 39999920 Hot tub and spa covers 30
SIC Code 39999921 Hot tubs 82
SIC Code 39999922 Hydroponic equipment 32
SIC Code 39999923 Lamp shade frames 6
SIC Code 39999924 Magic equipment, supplies, and props 49
SIC Code 39999925 Nut shells, grinding, from purchased nuts 9
SIC Code 39999926 Painting instrument dials 7
SIC Code 39999927 Pet supplies 880
SIC Code 39999928 Plaques, picture, laminated 49
SIC Code 39999929 Potpourri 21
SIC Code 39999930 Preparation of slides and exhibits 49
SIC Code 39999931 Printing eyeglass frames 0
SIC Code 39999932 Self-defense sprays 18
SIC Code 39999933 Shades, lamp or candle 29
SIC Code 39999934 Shoe patterns 0
SIC Code 39999935 Soap dispensers 16
SIC Code 39999936 Stage hardware and equipment, except lighting 76
SIC Code 39999937 Stereographs, photographic 2
SIC Code 39999938 Tape measures 9
SIC Code 39999939 Tear gas devices and equipment 2
SIC Code 39999940 Theatrical scenery 43
SIC Code 39999941 Treating clock and watch dials with
luminous material
SIC Code 39999943 Window squegees 7
SIC Code 39999944 Wool pulling 2
SIC Code 39999945 Wheelchair lifts 69
SIC Code 39999946 Fingernails, artificial 261
SIC Code 39999947 Grinding and pulverizing of materials, nec 89
SIC Code 39999948 Heating pads, nonelectric 13
SIC Code 39999949 Seeds, coated or treated, from purchased seeds 27
SIC Code 39999950 Framed artwork 248
SIC Code 39999951 Whistles 62

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Database of SIC Code 3999 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily involved in producing various fabricated goods, such as hair work, matches, candles, lamp shades, feathers, dressed and dyed furs, umbrellas, parasols, and canes, as well as tobacco pipes and cigarette holders, coin-operated amusement devices, and other items that are not otherwise classified.

SIC Code 3999 - Manufacturing Industries Geographical Globes Manufacturers
Beauty Shop Equipments Sewing and Mending Kits
Cigar and Cigarette Holders Manufacturers Christmas Tree Ornaments Manufacturing Company
Artificial Christmas Trees Suppliers List SIC Code Embroidery Kits
Flocking Metal Products Manufacturers and Suppliers Umbrellas and Parts Manufacturing Company
Permanent Wave Equipment and Machines Lighters, Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturers
SIC Code Amusement Machines Canes and Cane Trimmings Suppliers
Artificial Flower Arrangements Fingerprint Equipments
SIC Code Painting Instruments Barber Shop Equipment
Electric Massage Machines Soap Dispensers Manufacturing Companies
Atomizers Industry Mailing List Feather Trimmings Manufacturers

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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Manufacturing Industries List information up-to-date.

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SIC Code 3999 Manufacturing Industries Database

Olympus America Inc Tennant Co International Game Technology
Brady Corp GNC Holdings Inc Medtronic, PLC
Procter And Gamble Company Allegheny Technologies Inc Mylan Inc
Haeco Americas Volvo Group North America Llc Milliken And Company Customer Center

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