SIC Code 5084 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Industrial Machinery and Equipment. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 5084 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Industrial Machinery and Equipment Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 5084 Industrial Machinery and Equipment 39,058
SIC Code 508400 Industrial machinery and equipment 12,241
SIC Code 50840000 Industrial machinery and equipment 12,241
SIC Code 508401 Food industry machinery 799
SIC Code 50840100 Food industry machinery 238
SIC Code 50840101 Alcoholic beverage making equipment
and supplies
SIC Code 50840102 Brewery products manufacturing machinery,
SIC Code 50840103 Citrus processing machinery 5
SIC Code 50840104 Cream separators, except farm 1
SIC Code 50840105 Dairy products manufacturing machinery, nec 37
SIC Code 50840106 Fish processing machinery, equipment
and supplies
SIC Code 50840107 Food product manufacturing machinery 193
SIC Code 50840108 Milk products manufacturing machinery
and equipment
SIC Code 508402 Textile and leather machinery 345
SIC Code 50840200 Textile and leather machinery 42
SIC Code 50840201 Sewing machines, industrial 126
SIC Code 50840202 Shoe manufacturing and repairing machinery 16
SIC Code 50840203 Tannery machines 6
SIC Code 50840204 Textile machinery and equipment 155
SIC Code 508403 Paper, sawmill, and woodworking machinery 393
SIC Code 50840300 Paper, sawmill, and woodworking machinery 29
SIC Code 50840301 Chainsaws 34
SIC Code 50840302 Paper manufacturing machinery 52
SIC Code 50840303 Pulp (wood) manufacturing machinery 24
SIC Code 50840304 Sawmill machinery and equipment 33
SIC Code 50840305 Woodworking machinery 221
SIC Code 508404 Petroleum industry machinery 1,271
SIC Code 50840400 Petroleum industry machinery 230
SIC Code 50840401 Derricks 7
SIC Code 50840402 Drilling bits 71
SIC Code 50840403 Drilling equipment, excluding bits 138
SIC Code 50840404 Oil refining machinery, equipment, and supplies 125
SIC Code 50840405 Oil well machinery, equipment, and supplies 689
SIC Code 50840406 Rebuilding and sale of oil field tool joints 11
SIC Code 508405 Machine tools and metalworking machinery 5,514
SIC Code 50840500 Machine tools and metalworking machinery 249
SIC Code 50840501 Blanks, tips, and inserts 16
SIC Code 50840502 Counterbores 2
SIC Code 50840503 Countersinks 11
SIC Code 50840504 Hobs 1
SIC Code 50840505 Industrial machine parts 525
SIC Code 50840506 Jigs 106
SIC Code 50840507 Machine tools and accessories 1,554
SIC Code 50840508 Machinists' precision measuring tools 46
SIC Code 50840509 Metal refining machinery and equipment 40
SIC Code 50840510 Metalworking machinery 200
SIC Code 50840511 Metalworking tools, nec
(such as drills, taps, dies, files)
SIC Code 50840512 Reamers 2
SIC Code 50840513 Smelting machinery and equipment 1
SIC Code 50840514 Tapping attachments 2
SIC Code 50840515 Threading tools 3
SIC Code 50840516 Tool and die makers equipment 91
SIC Code 50840517 Tool holders (e.g., chucks, turrets) 10
SIC Code 50840518 Welding machinery and equipment 2,568
SIC Code 508406 Engines and transportation equipment 1,554
SIC Code 50840600 Engines and transportation equipment 104
SIC Code 50840601 Engines and parts, air-cooled 54
SIC Code 50840602 Engines and parts, diesel 579
SIC Code 50840603 Engines, gasoline 166
SIC Code 50840604 Fuel injection systems 54
SIC Code 50840605 Lift trucks and parts 335
SIC Code 50840606 Tractors, industrial 71
SIC Code 50840607 Trailers, industrial 77
SIC Code 50840608 Trucks, industrial 114
SIC Code 508407 Instruments and control equipment 1,666
SIC Code 50840700 Instruments and control equipment 511
SIC Code 50840701 Controlling instruments and accessories 524
SIC Code 50840702 Indicating instruments and accessories 44
SIC Code 50840703 Measuring and testing equipment,
SIC Code 50840704 Meters, consumption registering 55
SIC Code 50840705 Noise control equipment 22
SIC Code 50840706 Pollution control equipment,
air (environmental)
SIC Code 50840707 Pollution control equipment,
water (environmental)
SIC Code 50840708 Recording instruments and accessories 19
SIC Code 508408 Materials handling machinery 8,566
SIC Code 50840800 Materials handling machinery 3,772
SIC Code 50840801 Conveyor systems 438
SIC Code 50840802 Cranes, industrial 140
SIC Code 50840803 Elevators 1,609
SIC Code 50840804 Hoists 173
SIC Code 50840805 Pumps and pumping equipment, nec 2,176
SIC Code 50840806 Stackers, industrial 4
SIC Code 50840807 Water pumps (industrial) 229
SIC Code 50840808 Winches 25
SIC Code 508409 Processing and packaging equipment 2,089
SIC Code 50840900 Processing and packaging equipment 237
SIC Code 50840901 Cleaning equipment, high pressure,
sand or steam
SIC Code 50840902 Compaction equipment 17
SIC Code 50840903 Compressors, except air conditioning 509
SIC Code 50840904 Crushing machinery and equipment 32
SIC Code 50840905 Packaging machinery and equipment 328
SIC Code 50840906 Paint spray equipment, industrial 114
SIC Code 50840907 Pneumatic tools and equipment 214
SIC Code 50840908 Pulverizing machinery and equipment 7
SIC Code 50840909 Screening machinery and equipment 36
SIC Code 50840910 Waste compactors 62
SIC Code 508499 Industrial machinery and equipment, nec 4,620
SIC Code 50849901 Cement making machinery 28
SIC Code 50849902 Chemical process equipment 113
SIC Code 50849903 Fans, industrial 77
SIC Code 50849904 Heat exchange equipment, industrial 122
SIC Code 50849905 Hydraulic systems equipment and supplies 1,720
SIC Code 50849906 Plastic products machinery 172
SIC Code 50849907 Power plant machinery 85
SIC Code 50849908 Printing trades machinery, equipment,
and supplies
SIC Code 50849909 Propane conversion equipment 33
SIC Code 50849910 Recapping machinery, for tires 12
SIC Code 50849911 Robots, industrial 411
SIC Code 50849912 Safety equipment 777
SIC Code 50849913 Tanks, storage 65
SIC Code 50849914 Recycling machinery and equipment 250

Buy Up-to-Date Industrial Machinery and Equipment Businesses SIC Code List for your Marketing

Choose from over 10,000 SIC codes based on your target SIC Code industry to access a customized database of SIC 5084 Industrial Machinery and Equipment List. Promote your business and marketing with SIC Code 5084 Email List and segmented email campaigns. Customize Industrial Machinery and Equipment list using 4 digit SIC code or 6 digit SIC Codes. Help your business reach and market to the global market with 85-95% contact accuracy and maximum email inbox delivery from AverickMedia. Send GDPR-compliant email campaigns to SIC Code Industry Lists for fast sales lead generation. Understand your SIC Data and ensure it is accurate, verified and complete to make marketing decisions with confidence. Reach our sales team to Find Business Lists by SIC Code and Buy Email Lists by Industry for targeted campaigns. You can use our SIC Code Lookup tools to find the List of SIC codes.

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Database of SIC Code 5084 - Related Businesses

Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of industrial machinery and equipment, not elsewhere classified.

SIC Code 5084 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment Industrial Controlling Instruments and Accessories
Cement Making Machinery SIC Code Machine Tool Accessories
Recording Instruments and Accessories Industrial Screening Machinery and Equipment
SIC Code Food Product Manufacturing Machinery Textile Machinery and Equipment
SIC Code Pulp Manufacturing Machinery Industrial Pulverizing Machinery and Equipment
Shoe Manufacturing and Repairing Machinery Milk Products Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment
Industrial Pumps and Pumping Equipment SIC Code Metalworking Machinery
Oil Refining Machinery and Equipment Industrial Cranes
SIC Code Oil Well Supply Houses Industrial Sewing Machines
Packing Machinery and Equipment Metal Refining Machinery and Equipment
Industrial Crushing Machinery and Equipment Materials Handling Equipment
Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment Paper Manufacturing Machinery
Citrus Processing Machinery Industrial Paint Spray Equipment

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
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How we Compile our Industrial Machinery and Equipment Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Industrial Machinery and Equipment List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 5084 Industrial Machinery and Equipment Industries Database

Haas Automation Inc Cintas Corp Thompson Tractor Co Inc
Ziegler Inc Mac Papers Inc Parker Hannifin Corp
Mts Systems Corps Servco Pacific Inc Heidelberg Usa Inc
ASCO Valve Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc Valeo Sylvania, LLC

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