SIC Code 7699 - Repair Shops and Related Services

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Repair Shops and Related Services. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 7699 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Repair Shops and Related Services Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 7699 Repair Services, Nec 242,116
SIC Code 769900 Repair services, nec 51,257
SIC Code 76990000 Repair services, nec 51,257
SIC Code 769901 Professional instrument repair services 2,228
SIC Code 76990100 Professional instrument repair services 1,426
SIC Code 76990101 Caliper, gauge, and other machinists' instrument repair 65
SIC Code 76990102 Dental instrument repair 234
SIC Code 76990103 Drafting instrument repair 54
SIC Code 76990104 Mechanical instrument repair 308
SIC Code 76990105 Meteorological instrument repair 12
SIC Code 76990106 Optical instrument repair 55
SIC Code 76990107 Precision instrument repair 59
SIC Code 76990108 Surveying instrument repair 15
SIC Code 769902 Tank repair and cleaning services 409
SIC Code 76990200 Tank repair and cleaning services 192
SIC Code 76990201 Tank repair 134
SIC Code 76990202 Tank truck cleaning service 83
SIC Code 769903 Boiler and heating repair services 771
SIC Code 76990300 Boiler and heating repair services 367
SIC Code 76990301 Boiler repair shop 245
SIC Code 76990302 Oil burner repair service 81
SIC Code 76990303 Tank and boiler cleaning service 62
SIC Code 76990304 Thermostat repair 16
SIC Code 769904 Waste cleaning services 10,637
SIC Code 76990400 Waste cleaning services 623
SIC Code 76990401 Cesspool cleaning 79
SIC Code 76990402 Septic tank cleaning service 5,840
SIC Code 76990403 Sewer cleaning and rodding 4,095
SIC Code 769905 Industrial equipment services 12,336
SIC Code 76990500 Industrial equipment services 1,101
SIC Code 76990501 Compressor repair 355
SIC Code 76990502 Engine repair and replacement, non-automotive 1,058
SIC Code 76990503 Industrial equipment cleaning 140
SIC Code 76990504 Industrial machinery and equipment repair 8,822
SIC Code 76990505 Industrial tool grinding 85
SIC Code 76990506 Industrial truck repair 507
SIC Code 76990507 Pallet repair 110
SIC Code 76990508 Valve repair, industrial 158
SIC Code 769906 Nautical repair services 4,001
SIC Code 76990600 Nautical repair services 180
SIC Code 76990601 Boat repair 3,130
SIC Code 76990602 Marine engine repair 531
SIC Code 76990603 Marine propeller repair 83
SIC Code 76990604 Nautical and navigational instrument repair 29
SIC Code 76990605 Ship boiler and tank cleaning and repair, contractors 41
SIC Code 76990606 Ship scaling, contractors 7
SIC Code 769907 Hospital equipment repair services 990
SIC Code 76990700 Hospital equipment repair services 262
SIC Code 76990701 Medical equipment repair, non-electric 566
SIC Code 76990702 Surgical instrument repair 63
SIC Code 76990703 X-ray equipment repair 99
SIC Code 769908 Scientific equipment repair service 287
SIC Code 76990800 Scientific equipment repair service 85
SIC Code 76990801 Laboratory instrument repair 94
SIC Code 76990802 Microscope repair 108
SIC Code 769909 Recreational sporting equipment repair services 1,085
SIC Code 76990900 Recreational sporting equipment repair services 350
SIC Code 76990901 Bicycle repair shop 341
SIC Code 76990902 Billiard table repair 70
SIC Code 76990903 Bowling pins, refinishing or repair 12
SIC Code 76990904 Fishing equipment repair 43
SIC Code 76990905 Golf club and equipment repair 176
SIC Code 76990906 Racquet restringing and equipment repair 20
SIC Code 76990907 Saddlery repair shop 49
SIC Code 76990908 Skate sharpening 16
SIC Code 76990909 Tent repair shop 8
SIC Code 769910 Musical instrument repair services 2,990
SIC Code 76991000 Musical instrument repair services 421
SIC Code 76991001 Organ tuning and repair 123
SIC Code 76991002 Piano tuning and repair 2,446
SIC Code 769911 Lock and key services 12,291
SIC Code 76991100 Lock and key services 480
SIC Code 76991101 Key duplicating shop 48
SIC Code 76991102 Lock parts made to individual order 12
SIC Code 76991103 Locksmith shop 11,751
SIC Code 769912 Metal reshaping and replating services 1,209
SIC Code 76991200 Metal reshaping and replating services 148
SIC Code 76991201 Blacksmith shop 302
SIC Code 76991202 Coppersmithing, repair work 12
SIC Code 76991203 Horseshoeing 686
SIC Code 76991204 Rebabbitting 8
SIC Code 76991205 Replating shop, except silverware 42
SIC Code 76991206 Silverware replating and repair 6
SIC Code 76991207 Tinsmithing, repair work 5
SIC Code 769913 Recreational vehicle repair services 3,788
SIC Code 76991300 Recreational vehicle repair services 275
SIC Code 76991301 Mobile home repair 320
SIC Code 76991302 Motorcycle repair service 3,118
SIC Code 76991303 Snowmobile repair 75
SIC Code 769914 Agricultural equipment repair services 2,228
SIC Code 76991400 Agricultural equipment repair services 681
SIC Code 76991401 Farm machinery repair 847
SIC Code 76991402 Tractor repair 700
SIC Code 769915 Photographic and optical goods equipment repair services 202
SIC Code 76991500 Photographic and optical goods equipment repair services 35
SIC Code 76991501 Binoculars and other optical goods repair 20
SIC Code 76991502 Camera repair shop 107
SIC Code 76991503 Photographic equipment repair 40
SIC Code 769916 Household appliance repair services 1,953
SIC Code 76991600 Household appliance repair services 1,563
SIC Code 76991601 Gas appliance repair service 97
SIC Code 76991602 Sewing machine repair shop 270
SIC Code 76991603 Stove repair shop 23
SIC Code 769917 Cleaning services 101,135
SIC Code 76991700 Cleaning services 100,819
SIC Code 76991701 Baking pan glazing and cleaning 21
SIC Code 76991702 Beer pump coil cleaning and repair service 72
SIC Code 76991703 Brick cleaning 52
SIC Code 76991704 Catch basin cleaning 16
SIC Code 76991705 Filter cleaning 94
SIC Code 76991706 Machinery cleaning 61
SIC Code 769918 General household repair services 11,862
SIC Code 76991800 General household repair services 3,692
SIC Code 76991801 Awning repair shop 50
SIC Code 76991802 China and glass repair 78
SIC Code 76991803 China firing and decorating to individual order 7
SIC Code 76991804 Door and window repair 501
SIC Code 76991805 Garage door repair 2,604
SIC Code 76991806 Lawn mower repair shop 1,869
SIC Code 76991807 Mattress renovating and repair shop 14
SIC Code 76991808 Mirror repair shop 19
SIC Code 76991809 Picture framing, custom 2,796
SIC Code 76991810 Reneedling work 0
SIC Code 76991811 Rug repair shop, not combined with cleaning 57
SIC Code 76991812 Scale repair service 175
SIC Code 769919 Leather goods and luggage repair services 317
SIC Code 76991900 Leather goods and luggage repair services 42
SIC Code 76991901 Leather goods, cleaning and repair 235
SIC Code 76991902 Luggage repair shop 37
SIC Code 76991903 Pocketbook repair shop 3
SIC Code 769920 Customizing services 716
SIC Code 76992000 Customizing services 329
SIC Code 76992001 Antique repair and restoration, except furniture, autos 253
SIC Code 76992002 Office equipment and accessory customizing 97
SIC Code 76992003 Railroad car customizing 37
SIC Code 769921 Gun services 3,128
SIC Code 76992100 Gun services 1,488
SIC Code 76992101 Gun parts made to individual order 45
SIC Code 76992102 Gunsmith shop 1,595
SIC Code 769922 Aircraft and heavy equipment repair services 5,989
SIC Code 76992200 Aircraft and heavy equipment repair services 1,836
SIC Code 76992201 Aircraft flight instrument repair 103
SIC Code 76992202 Aviation propeller and blade repair 98
SIC Code 76992203 Construction equipment repair 532
SIC Code 76992204 Fire control (military) equipment repair 52
SIC Code 76992205 Geophysical equipment repair 9
SIC Code 76992206 Hydraulic equipment repair 1,185
SIC Code 76992207 Life saving and survival equipment, non-medical: repair 65
SIC Code 76992208 Printing trades machinery and equipment repair 255
SIC Code 76992209 Pumps and pumping equipment repair 823
SIC Code 76992210 Restaurant equipment repair 676
SIC Code 76992211 Service station equipment repair 130
SIC Code 76992212 Welding equipment repair 225
SIC Code 769923 Tool repair services 2,367
SIC Code 76992300 Tool repair services 721
SIC Code 76992301 Knife, saw and tool sharpening and repair 1,526
SIC Code 76992302 Power tool repair 120
SIC Code 769924 Miscellaneous automotive repair services 985
SIC Code 76992400 Miscellaneous automotive repair services 746
SIC Code 76992401 Balancing service 69
SIC Code 76992402 Battery service and repair 121
SIC Code 76992403 Speedometer repair 49
SIC Code 769925 Miscellaneous building item repair services 1,084
SIC Code 76992500 Miscellaneous building item repair services 177
SIC Code 76992501 Elevators: inspection, service, and repair 764
SIC Code 76992502 Fountain repair 16
SIC Code 76992503 Vending machine repair 127
SIC Code 769926 Window blind repair services 111
SIC Code 76992600 Window blind repair services 100
SIC Code 76992601 Venetian blind repair shop 11
SIC Code 769927 Hobby and collectors services 4,539
SIC Code 76992700 Hobby and collectors services 282
SIC Code 76992701 Doll and accessory repair 40
SIC Code 76992702 Taxidermists 4,217
SIC Code 769999 Repair services, nec, nec 1,221
SIC Code 76999901 Cash register repair 360
SIC Code 76999902 Fountain pen repair shop 4
SIC Code 76999903 Harness repair shop 17
SIC Code 76999904 Horse drawn vehicle repair 74
SIC Code 76999905 Photocopy machine repair 198
SIC Code 76999906 Plastics products repair 33
SIC Code 76999907 Rubber product repair 22
SIC Code 76999908 Shopping cart repair 53
SIC Code 76999909 Snowblower repair 47
SIC Code 76999910 Textile roll covering 6
SIC Code 76999911 Typewriter repair, including electric 93
SIC Code 76999912 Umbrella repair shop 1
SIC Code 76999913 Wheel and caster repair 181
SIC Code 76999914 Automated teller machine (ATM) repair 132

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Database of SIC Code 7699 - Related Businesses

Establishments whose primary business is the provision of specialised repair services not otherwise classified, such as the repair of bicycles, leather goods, locks and firearms, including the manufacture of lock or firearm parts on a custom basis, musical instruments, septic tanks, farm machinery, furnaces, motorcycles, tank trucks, taxidermists, tractors, and typewriters.

SIC Code 7699 - Repair Shops and Related Services Laboratory Instrument Repair Shops
SIC Code Leather Goods Repair Shops Machinery Cleaning Services
Agricultural Repair Equipment Service Furnace and Chimney Cleaning Service
Medical Equipment Repair Shop SIC Code Bicycle Repair Shops
Venetian Blind Repair Shops Measuring and Controlling Instrument Repair Shops
SIC Code Piano Tuning and Repair Shops Automotive Engine Repair Service
Fire Control Equipment Repair Service Sewer Cleaning and Rodding Service
Meteorological Instrument Repair Shops Surgical Instrument Repair Service
Tank Truck Cleaning Service SIC Code Motorcycle Repair Service
Septic Tank Cleaning Service Furnace Cleaning Service
Gas Appliance Repair Service Surveying Instrument Repair Shops
Tank and Boiler Cleaning Service Musical Instrument Repair Shops
Industrial Truck Repair Shops SIC Code Key Duplicating Shops
Dental Instrument Repair Shops Binoculars and other Optical Goods Repair Shops
SIC Code Repair of Optical Instruments Boiler Repair Shops
Antique Repair and Restoration Beer Pump Coil Cleaning and Repair Service
Mattress Renovating and Repair Shops Sewing Machine Repair Shops

Select your Specific Data Fields from Our Mailing Lists

Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Repair Shops and Related Services Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Repair Shops and Related Servicess List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 7699 Repair Shops and Related Services Industries Database

Yancey Bros Co Morrison Industrial Equipment Co Lost Arrow Corp
Doyle Security Systems Inc Maquet Cardiovascular The Gw Van Keppel Company
Wright Metal Products Crates Llc Jones Blair Co Tampa Armature Works Inc
Dairy Conveyor Corp Suez North America Helena Laboratories Corp

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4.4 / 5