SIC Code 7999 - Amusement and Recreation Services

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SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 7999 Amusement and Recreation, Nec 110,050
SIC Code 799900 Amusement and recreation, nec 8,991
SIC Code 79990000 Amusement and recreation, nec 8,991
SIC Code 799901 Tennis services and professionals 1,244
SIC Code 79990100 Tennis services and professionals 690
SIC Code 79990101 Tennis club, non-membership 80
SIC Code 79990102 Tennis courts, outdoor/indoor: non-membership 156
SIC Code 79990103 Tennis professional 318
SIC Code 799902 Golf services and professionals 5,256
SIC Code 79990200 Golf services and professionals 2,975
SIC Code 79990201 Golf cart, power, rental 102
SIC Code 79990202 Golf driving range 539
SIC Code 79990203 Golf professionals 1,060
SIC Code 79990204 Golf, pitch-n-putt 22
SIC Code 79990205 Miniature golf course operation 558
SIC Code 799903 Indoor court clubs 146
SIC Code 79990300 Indoor court clubs 44
SIC Code 79990301 Handball courts, non-membership 2
SIC Code 79990302 Racquetball club, non-membership 97
SIC Code 79990303 Squash club, non-membership 3
SIC Code 799904 Table sports parlor operation 1,315
SIC Code 79990400 Table sports parlor operation 29
SIC Code 79990401 Billiard parlor 1,196
SIC Code 79990402 Ping pong parlor 2
SIC Code 79990403 Pool parlor 88
SIC Code 799905 Bicycle and motorcycle rental services 320
SIC Code 79990500 Bicycle and motorcycle rental services 47
SIC Code 79990501 Bicycle rental 182
SIC Code 79990502 Moped rental 9
SIC Code 79990503 Motorcycle rental 82
SIC Code 799906 Skating rink operation services 2,268
SIC Code 79990600 Skating rink operation services 390
SIC Code 79990601 Curling rinks 159
SIC Code 79990602 Ice skating rink operation 589
SIC Code 79990603 Roller skating rink operation 1,130
SIC Code 799907 Shooting facilities and archery lanes 951
SIC Code 79990700 Shooting facilities and archery lanes 105
SIC Code 79990701 Archery lanes 200
SIC Code 79990702 Shooting gallery 67
SIC Code 79990703 Shooting range operation 553
SIC Code 79990704 Skeet shooting facility 20
SIC Code 79990705 Trapshooting facility, non-membership 6
SIC Code 799908 Card and game services 894
SIC Code 79990800 Card and game services 193
SIC Code 79990801 Bingo hall 469
SIC Code 79990802 Bridge club, non-membership 12
SIC Code 79990803 Card rooms 66
SIC Code 79990804 Game parlor 154
SIC Code 799909 Animal shows/circuses 474
SIC Code 79990900 Animal shows/circuses 45
SIC Code 79990901 Animal shows in circuses, fairs, and carnivals 46
SIC Code 79990902 Circus company 200
SIC Code 79990903 Horse shows 183
SIC Code 799910 Exhibition and carnival operation services 2,599
SIC Code 79991000 Exhibition and carnival operation services 156
SIC Code 79991001 Agricultural fair 260
SIC Code 79991002 Air shows 63
SIC Code 79991003 Carnival operation 151
SIC Code 79991004 Exhibition operation 140
SIC Code 79991005 Exposition operation 55
SIC Code 79991006 Fair, nsk 613
SIC Code 79991007 Festival operation 1,161
SIC Code 799911 Instruction schools, camps, and services 44,831
SIC Code 79991100 Instruction schools, camps, and services 1,435
SIC Code 79991101 Arts and crafts instruction 764
SIC Code 79991102 Baseball instruction school 180
SIC Code 79991103 Basketball instruction school 189
SIC Code 79991104 Bowling instruction 15
SIC Code 79991105 Bridge instruction 9
SIC Code 79991106 Day camp 185
SIC Code 79991107 Diving instruction, underwater 129
SIC Code 79991108 Games, instruction 86
SIC Code 79991109 Gymnastic instruction, non-membership 4,582
SIC Code 79991110 Hockey instruction school 151
SIC Code 79991111 Judo instruction 174
SIC Code 79991112 Karate instruction 1,332
SIC Code 79991113 Martial arts school, nec 14,641
SIC Code 79991114 Parachute training, for pleasure 183
SIC Code 79991115 Sailing instruction 104
SIC Code 79991116 Scuba and skin diving instruction 203
SIC Code 79991117 Sewing instruction 85
SIC Code 79991118 Skating instruction, ice or roller 70
SIC Code 79991119 Ski instruction 88
SIC Code 79991120 Sports instruction, schools and camps 855
SIC Code 79991121 Surfing instruction 79
SIC Code 79991122 Swimming instruction 951
SIC Code 79991123 Yoga instruction 12,028
SIC Code 79991124 Cake or pastry decorating instruction 41
SIC Code 79991125 Massage instruction 320
SIC Code 79991126 Photography instruction 284
SIC Code 79991127 Physical fitness instruction 5,668
SIC Code 799912 Riding and rodeo services 3,885
SIC Code 79991200 Riding and rodeo services 541
SIC Code 79991201 Riding academy and school 808
SIC Code 79991202 Riding stable 2,219
SIC Code 79991203 Rodeo animal rental 10
SIC Code 79991204 Rodeo operation 124
SIC Code 79991205 Saddlehorse rental 183
SIC Code 799913 Gambling and lottery services 905
SIC Code 79991300 Gambling and lottery services 105
SIC Code 79991301 Bookmakers 35
SIC Code 79991302 Gambling establishment 528
SIC Code 79991303 Gambling machines, operation 38
SIC Code 79991304 Lottery operation 73
SIC Code 79991305 Lottery tickets, sale of 83
SIC Code 79991306 Off-track betting 43
SIC Code 799914 Beach and water sports equipment rental and services 7,345
SIC Code 79991400 Beach and water sports equipment rental and services 426
SIC Code 79991401 Bath house, independent 18
SIC Code 79991402 Bathing beach, non-membership 35
SIC Code 79991403 Beach chair and accessory rental 26
SIC Code 79991404 Fishing boats, party: operation 5,097
SIC Code 79991405 Fishing lakes and piers, operation 325
SIC Code 79991406 Houseboat rentals 36
SIC Code 79991407 Lifeguard service 55
SIC Code 79991408 Pleasure boat rental 345
SIC Code 79991409 Rowboat and canoe rental 214
SIC Code 79991410 Sailboard rental 4
SIC Code 79991411 Surfing equipment rental 17
SIC Code 79991412 Swimming pool, non-membership 747
SIC Code 799915 Tourist attractions, amusement park concessions and rides 3,570
SIC Code 79991500 Tourist attractions, amusement park concessions and rides 1,175
SIC Code 79991501 Aerial tramway or ski lift, amusement or scenic 69
SIC Code 79991502 Amusement concession 134
SIC Code 79991503 Amusement ride 704
SIC Code 79991504 Cave operation 61
SIC Code 79991505 Concession operator 183
SIC Code 79991506 Go-cart raceway operation and rentals 80
SIC Code 79991507 Observation tower operation 19
SIC Code 79991508 Pack train, for amusement 5
SIC Code 79991509 Scenic railroads for amusement 37
SIC Code 79991510 Ski rental concession 150
SIC Code 79991511 Tourist attraction, commercial 524
SIC Code 79991512 Waterslide operation 54
SIC Code 79991513 Wave pool operation 8
SIC Code 79991514 Wax museum, commercial 41
SIC Code 79991515 Zoological garden, commercial 119
SIC Code 79991516 Hot air balloon rides 207
SIC Code 799916 Tour and guide services 4,106
SIC Code 79991600 Tour and guide services 3,266
SIC Code 79991601 Hunting guides 269
SIC Code 79991602 Rafting tours 309
SIC Code 79991603 Tourist guide 209
SIC Code 79991604 Trail guide 53
SIC Code 799999 Amusement and recreation, nec, nec 20,950
SIC Code 79999901 Art gallery, commercial 8,701
SIC Code 79999902 Astrologer 277
SIC Code 79999903 Baseball batting cage 264
SIC Code 79999904 Fireworks display service 85
SIC Code 79999905 Fortune tellers 984
SIC Code 79999906 Jukebox rental 23
SIC Code 79999907 Outfitters, recreation 1,257
SIC Code 79999908 Phrenologist 1
SIC Code 79999909 Picnic ground operation 80
SIC Code 79999910 Recreation center 3,931
SIC Code 79999911 Recreation equipment rental 135
SIC Code 79999912 Recreation services 3,485
SIC Code 79999913 Slot-car race track 19
SIC Code 79999914 Sporting goods rental, nec 257
SIC Code 79999915 Sports professionals, nec 311
SIC Code 79999916 Ticket sales office for sporting events, contract 860
SIC Code 79999917 Trampoline operation 233
SIC Code 79999918 Night club, not serving alcoholic beverages 47

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Database of SIC Code 7999 - Related Businesses

Establishments that are primarily involved in providing sports, entertainment, and recreation services that are not otherwise classified, such as rowing and canoe rentals, shooting ranges, swimming pools, riding schools, carnival operations, exposition operations, horse shows, and picnic grounds. Agricultural Services, Industry Group 075 is where establishments defined as primarily engaged in handling or presenting animals at shows or exhibits are categorized.

SIC Code 7999 - Amusement and Recreation Services Circus Companies List
Exhibition Operation Companies Trapshooting Facilities
Waterslides Operation Companies Baseball Instruction Services
Basketball Instruction Services SIC Code Public Bathing Beaches
Nonmembership Bridge Clubs Instructional Sports and Camps
Bingo Parlors List SIC Code Bowling Instruction
Betting Information Services Billiard Parlors Contact List
Ping Pong Parlors Bridge Instruction Services
Cave Operation Services Fireworks Display Service
Ice Skating Rink Operation Carnival Operation Services
SIC Code Judo Instruction Karate Instruction
Lifeguard Services Picnic Grounds Operation
River Rafting Operation Scuba and Skin Diving Instruction
Swimming Instruction Tourist Guides

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
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These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Amusement and Recreation Servicess List information up-to-date.

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Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
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Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 7999 Amusement and Recreation Services Industries Database

Parks Department Louisian Lottery Corp Six Flags Entertainment Corp
National Football League SeaWorld Entertainment Inc IGT Global Solutions Corp
Whitetail Mountain Resort Bay Area Sea Kayakers Active Acquisition Partners, LLC
International Speedway Corp HMSHost Corp Edison Chouest Offshore, LLC

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