SIC Code 8322 - Individual and Family Social Services

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Individual and Family Social Services. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 8322 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Individual and Family Social Services Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 8322 Individual and Family Services 198,722
SIC Code 832200 Individual and family services 45,443
SIC Code 83220000 Individual and family services 45,443
SIC Code 832201 Geriatric social service 17,299
SIC Code 83220100 Geriatric social service 2,386
SIC Code 83220101 Adult day care center 3,931
SIC Code 83220102 Old age assistance 1,143
SIC Code 83220103 Senior citizens' center or association 9,839
SIC Code 832202 Child related social services 10,802
SIC Code 83220200 Child related social services 4,921
SIC Code 83220201 Adoption services 1,534
SIC Code 83220202 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) 89
SIC Code 83220203 Child guidance agency 342
SIC Code 83220204 Childrens' aid society 315
SIC Code 83220205 Youth center 3,270
SIC Code 83220206 Youth self-help agency 331
SIC Code 832203 Emergency social services 6,524
SIC Code 83220300 Emergency social services 1,245
SIC Code 83220301 Crisis center 1,346
SIC Code 83220302 Crisis intervention center 609
SIC Code 83220303 Disaster service 761
SIC Code 83220304 Emergency shelters 1,707
SIC Code 83220305 First aid service 316
SIC Code 83220306 Hotline 192
SIC Code 83220307 Temporary relief service 348
SIC Code 832204 Rehabilitation services 6,189
SIC Code 83220400 Rehabilitation services 4,105
SIC Code 83220401 Offender rehabilitation agency 176
SIC Code 83220402 Offender self-help agency 46
SIC Code 83220403 Parole office 370
SIC Code 83220404 Probation office 1,492
SIC Code 832205 Family counseling services 13,434
SIC Code 83220500 Family counseling services 9,687
SIC Code 83220501 Family (marriage) counseling 2,344
SIC Code 83220502 Family location service 54
SIC Code 83220503 Family service agency 915
SIC Code 83220504 Homemakers' service 434
SIC Code 832206 General counseling services 91,753
SIC Code 83220600 General counseling services 39,080
SIC Code 83220601 Community center 11,366
SIC Code 83220602 Helping hand service (Big Brother, etc.) 258
SIC Code 83220603 Multi-service center 439
SIC Code 83220604 Neighborhood center 175
SIC Code 83220605 Outreach program 3,045
SIC Code 83220606 Public welfare center 285
SIC Code 83220607 Referral service for personal and social problems 685
SIC Code 83220608 Self-help organization, nec 632
SIC Code 83220609 Service league 451
SIC Code 83220610 Social service center 23,954
SIC Code 83220611 Social worker 11,299
SIC Code 83220612 Telephone counseling service 84
SIC Code 832207 Social services for the handicapped 2,947
SIC Code 83220700 Social services for the handicapped 1,911
SIC Code 83220701 Association for the handicapped 1,036
SIC Code 832208 Substance abuse counseling 2,723
SIC Code 83220800 Substance abuse counseling 1,284
SIC Code 83220801 Alcoholism counseling, nontreatment 1,124
SIC Code 83220802 Drug abuse counselor, nontreatment 315
SIC Code 832299 Individual and family services, nec 1,608
SIC Code 83229901 Meal delivery program 1,095
SIC Code 83229902 Refugee service 128
SIC Code 83229903 Settlement house 244
SIC Code 83229904 Travelers' aid 141

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Database of SIC Code 8322 - Related Businesses

Establishments whose primary activity is the provision of one or more of the many different social, counseling, welfare, or referral services for individuals and families, including refugee, disaster, and temporary relief services This sector comprises businesses that offer social services including counseling and referrals. The central office management of these programs is classified in Public Administration, Industry 9441, but government offices directly involved with providing social services to individuals and families, such as issuing welfare aid, rent supplements, food stamps, and eligibility casework, are included here. Public Administration, Industry 9441 also includes Social Security offices in its classification.

SIC Code 8322 - Individual and Family Social Services Handicapped Activity Centers
Crisis Intervention Centers Youth Centers
Telephone Counseling Services Youth Self-Help Organizations
SIC Code Family Location Services Temporary Relief Services
Adult Day Care Centers Family Counseling Services
Travelers Aid Centers Community Centers Mailing List
Family Service Agencies Handicapped Day Care Services
Adoption Services Social Service Centers
Child Guidance Agencies Offender Rehabilitation Agencies
Helping Hand Services Marriage Counseling Services
Public Welfare Centers SIC Code Disaster Services
Senior Citizen Associations Contact Database Neighborhood Multiservice Centers

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
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How we Compile our Individual and Family Social Services Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Individual and Family Social Services List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 8322 - Individual and Family Social Services Industries Database

American Lung Association Homewell Senior Care Sununu Youth Services Center
Protection And Safety Division Inc Child Protective Service
Children and Family Services Trac Associates Youth Services Office
Youth Service Division Family Support Office Child Support Administration

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