SIC Code 35 - Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment

Buy Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List and reach responsive prospects in your targeted industries with SIC Code Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment List. SIC Code List indicate the company's primary type of business and companies use SIC codes to identify their existing customers and potential future customers by industry. Discover and connect with potential customers and verified contact details of executives at big companies using AverickMedia's SIC Code 35 List. Grow your sales, business, and revenue with the best SIC Code Listings. Get a SIC list of 100% verified contacts to increase engagement and improve campaign response rates. Get your verified Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Industry list now.

SIC Code Titles Total US Businesses
SIC Code 35 Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment 82,016
SIC Code 3511 Turbines and Turbine Generator Sets 711
SIC Code 3519 Internal Combustion Engines, Nec 813
SIC Code 3523 Farm Machinery and Equipment 3,085
SIC Code 3524 Lawn and Garden Equipment 607
SIC Code 3531 Construction Machinery 4,095
SIC Code 3532 Mining Machinery 570
SIC Code 3533 Oil and Gas Field Machinery 1,566
SIC Code 3534 Elevators and Moving Stairways 323
SIC Code 3535 Conveyors and Conveying Equipment 1,123
SIC Code 3536 Hoists, Cranes, and Monorails 594
SIC Code 3537 Industrial Trucks and Tractors 5,186
SIC Code 3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Type 2,179
SIC Code 3542 Machine Tools, Metal Forming Type 739
SIC Code 3543 Industrial Patterns 536
SIC Code 3544 Special Dies, Tools, Jigs, and Fixtures 4,428
SIC Code 3545 Machine Tool Accessories 2,115
SIC Code 3546 Power-driven Handtools 415
SIC Code 3547 Rolling Mill Machinery 113
SIC Code 3548 Welding Apparatus 504
SIC Code 3549 Metalworking Machinery, Nec 701
SIC Code 3552 Textile Machinery 514
SIC Code 3553 Woodworking Machinery 802
SIC Code 3554 Paper Industries Machinery 260
SIC Code 3555 Printing Trades Machinery 669
SIC Code 3556 Food Products Machinery 1,406
SIC Code 3559 Special Industry Machinery, Nec 2,634
SIC Code 3561 Pumps and Pumping Equipment 1,281
SIC Code 3562 Ball and Roller Bearings 305
SIC Code 3563 Air and Gas Compressors 719
SIC Code 3564 Blowers and Fans 1,131
SIC Code 3565 Packaging Machinery 890
SIC Code 3566 Speed Changers, Drives, and Gears 276
SIC Code 3567 Industrial Furnaces and Ovens 541
SIC Code 3568 Power Transmission Equipment, Nec 472
SIC Code 3569 General Industrial Machinery, 2,118
SIC Code 3571 Electronic Computers 1,929
SIC Code 3572 Computer Storage Devices 999
SIC Code 3575 Computer Terminals 292
SIC Code 3577 Computer Peripheral Equipment, Nec 1,999
SIC Code 3578 Calculating and Accounting Equipment 620
SIC Code 3579 Office Machines, Nec 396
SIC Code 3581 Automatic Vending Machines 441
SIC Code 3582 Commercial Laundry Equipment 239
SIC Code 3585 Refrigeration and Heating Equipment 2,611
SIC Code 3586 Measuring and Dispensing Pumps 69
SIC Code 3589 Service Industry Machinery, Nec 3,712
SIC Code 3592 Carburetors, Pistons, Rings, Valves 338
SIC Code 3593 Fluid Power Cylinders and Actuators 182
SIC Code 3594 Fluid Power Pumps and Motors 282
SIC Code 3596 Scales and Balances, Except Laboratory 207
SIC Code 3599 Industrial Machinery, Nec 23,279

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Choose from over 10,000 SIC codes based on your target SIC Code industry to access a customized database of SIC 35 Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment List. Promote your business and marketing with SIC Code 35 Email List and segmented email campaigns. Customize Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment list using 4 digit SIC code or 6 digit SIC Codes. Help your business reach and market to the global market with 85-95% contact accuracy and maximum email inbox delivery from AverickMedia. Send GDPR-compliant email campaigns to SIC Code Industry Lists for fast sales lead generation. Understand your SIC Data and ensure it is accurate, verified and complete to make marketing decisions with confidence. Reach our sales team to Find Business Lists by SIC Code and Buy Email Lists by Industry for targeted campaigns. You can use our SIC Code Lookup tools to find the List of SIC codes.

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Database of SIC Code 35 - Related Businesses

This main category comprises businesses that produce computers, industrial and commercial gear, and equipment. Engine and turbine production, farm and garden equipment production, mining and oil field production, elevator and conveying equipment production, hoists, cranes, monorails, industrial trucks and tractors production, metalworking production, special industry production, general industrial production, computer and peripheral equipment and office production, refrigeration production, and service industry production are all included. With the exception of electrical home appliances, machines with integrated or detachable motors are typically included in this major category. This main category includes all types of powered handtools, including electric and mechanical ones. Major Group 36 is made up of businesses that manufacture electrical equipment as their main business.

SIC Code 35 - Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Solar Turbine Products Manufacturers
Industrial Machinery and Components Industry Computer Equipment Manufacturers Email List
SIC Code Steam Turbine Generators Farm,Garden Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers
Agriculture and Farming Equipment Suppliers Refrigeration and Service Machinery Industry
Construction Machinery Company Industrial Machinery and Equipment Suppliers
Metalworking Machinery and Equipment Lawn & Garden Equipment Manufacturers
Oil Field Equipment Suppliers Fluid Power Cylinders and Actuators
Machine Tool Accessories Refrigeration and Heating Equipment Company
SIC Code Industrial Furnaces and Ovens SIC Code Engines and Turbines

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Executive Full Name Verified Email Address Phone Number
Full Mailing Address Job Roles and Job Functions Business Ownership
Business Type SIC and NAICS Code Location Type
Employees at Location Annual Revenue Sales Volume
Year of Establishment Legal Structure Credit Score

How we Compile our Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Mailing Lists Contact Data?

These details will be verified with our AI/Fully automated process and again with the help of human data research executives to keep the Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Mailing List information up-to-date.

Some of our data sources

Public Records Government Data
Tradeshow & Exhibition Attendees Daily Utility Connections
New Business Filings Yellow Pages
Press Releases Credit Bureaus
SEC Filings Annual Reports
Social Media Profiles Business Registries

SIC Code 35 - Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment Database

Amtec Precision Products Inc Columbia Steel Casting Co Inc Clean Harbors Inc
Matcor Metal Fabrication Inc Zeus Industrial Products Inc Huhtamaki Packaging Inc
Voith Hydro Inc Lincoln Industrial SKF Lubrication Business Unit Forbo Siegling, LLC
Alexandria Extrusion Co Triple S Steel Holdings Inc Dutton Lainson Co

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