How to reach travel agents across the US and market to them?

  • By Nolan Delacruz
  • Apr 04, 2022

When people think of traveling, the first thing they do is look it up on the internet, where a myriad of travel agencies already exist. Travel Agents make your trip as smooth as possible, and as a customer, you want to have the greatest possible experience when traveling. Travel marketing is one of the money-making businesses in the US. The US travel and tourism business contributed about USD 1.6 trillion to the US economy, amounting to 2.6 percent of GDP. Although the world came to a halt when the pandemic breakthrough, the USA still managed to generate 6.7 billion dollars in revenue.


Importance of Travel Marketing

If your organization is associated with the travel industry, marketing to travel agents is vital for developing your company. Although you can market your business online nowadays, likely, your marketing will not produce the required outcomes. As a result, adopting some Travel Marketing Strategy will yield the most ROI and may propel your company to greater heights. Travel marketing may help you engage customers, build customer loyalty, and provide possibilities for consumers to prefer your travel sector services over those of your competitors.

Travel agents could benefit from your marketing campaign if you choose the right agents. For that, you must make use of email marketing. According to Mail chimp, Travel Email Marketing gets a 20.69 % open rate. It is not surprising that 84 % of organizations use email marketing to retain customers. Email marketing grants you the advantage required to excel in the market. As a result, having a Travel Agent Email List increases your chances of securing deals with the extensive database for travel agency and generating better sales leads than your competitors.

10 practical ways to market to the travel agents

The key to any business is to understand its customers and provide them with their needs. For a business that requires the involvement of travel agents must understand what attracts the travel agents. Although Email marketing is very influential, you're still required to know their demands to pick their attention.

Here are 10 tips to elevate your next travel marketing strategy

1) Showcase the benefits of your products and services

Marketing in the tourism business is tough, and to gain the customers attention, you must always emphasize the unique benefits of your services and products through travel agencies ads. Always send them a case study of the reviews from your existing, satisfied clients, emphasizing all of the positive parts of their experience with your services or products.

2) Use of social media

Social network marketing is one of the best ways to promote your products and services. Travelers of all ages like documenting and sharing their experiences on social media. With social media as it is now, if you can develop some innovative tactics to catch their attention and go viral on the internet, your business will undoubtedly thrive. Travel agencies will then come to you for advertising travel agency.

3) Monthly email newsletter

Creating a brief email from an automation tool is a quick and easy method to stay in touch with travel agents. The current season should always be the center of your newsletter's content. Whether it's an engagement season, summer vacation, or winter vacation, email your customers regularly to provide them with travel ideas and suggestions for all occasions. This way, you can gain massive improvements in Marketing for Travel and Tourism.

4) Exclusivity

Travel agents have multiple businesses like yours lined up at their doors; therefore, give them a reason to choose you over them. Always bring in offers that benefit you and the Marketing of Travel Agency.

5) Customer service

Customer service is vital in marketing for travel agents because travel agents will always look for customer service when bringing their customers to their respective businesses. Always strive to provide the finest possible customer service and after-sales support. Strive to provide the greatest customer service possible, which will not only keep present customers loyal but will also bring in new customers through word-of-mouth marketing.

6) Visual advertisement

Creating visual commercials is very critical in the marketing travel business. Nobody likes to waste their precious time on something that doesn't interest them. Therefore, try to make the length of your commercial video a minimum of 15 sec and as interesting as possible.

7) Price segments.

There are three categories of people in the market, one is budget spenders, the second is mid-range spenders, and the third is rich spenders. So, while posting your personalized travel agencies ads to the travel agency marketing. Always provide segmented options to these three categories. For example, the first is the most relevant at the proper pricing point for them. The second option is an alternative, something unique at a mid-price range. The third option is the dream, which is incredibly extraordinary at a very high price. Be courteous and allow the customer to make the final decision.

8) The power of discounts and freebies

In business, always try to use discounts and freebies to attract customers. Whenever customers spend on an expensive buy, they most probably use up their budgets. As a result, they are reluctant to purchase more. With this in mind, experts suggest giving a minimum of 25 percent discount, that is, whatever you are selling them, it must not cost more than 25% of their original purchase.

9) Budget- Oriented

Price has been a major factor in purchasing vacation packages for many years. It is still one of the most important factors for travelers. According to Skift 2019 research, nearly 60% of travelers cite a shortage of funds influencing their travel decisions. So, unless you particularly target luxury or business groups, the basic scenario for most travel organization is to compete on pricing.

10) Use of analytical tools

Is there a way to know about a deal's competitiveness? The markups of your competitors will frequently change along with your deals' positions as well. To remain in the competition, there need to be travel agent marketing tools to analyze your performance and alter your markup. You could also try to acquire web analytic reports from several metasearch engines. This way, you can analyze who your competitors are and how they rank.

Reach out to the qualified Prospects

Reach corporate executives, administrators, supervisors, sales and marketing professionals, public relations professionals, technology professionals and compliance professionals in various service industries.

Final words

Tourism is a vast sector not only in the United States but throughout the world. People are keen to discover new places, trip destinations, and so on. As a result, if your company is based on tourism, you should make the most of travel agencies. However, travel marketing is difficult; through the travel agency listing, you can gain an advantage in your marketing campaign. The above-mentioned tips will help you in running a successful travel agent marketing campaign; however, the first step you need to take before all these is to prioritize in increasing your travel agents email list. With the vast Travel Agencies Database, you could easily reach the reputed travel agencies and have personalized conversations about travel agent marketing plans.

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