B2B Intent Data: Top 5 Intent Data Providers To Increase Your Sales

Intent Data Providers – An Overview


We've all experienced how difficult and time-consuming it can be to assist buyers through your sales funnel. Finding qualified leads can seem never-ending. When you find these leads, a percentage of them will always fall out of the funnel along the route. Wouldn't it be fascinating to find out what they were thinking? This is where intent data can come in handy. Intent data can provide information to your sales and marketing teams about the customers that join, exit, and move through your sales funnel. Using this information, your sales team can contact them and assist them. Using remarketing, your marketing team can tailor their marketing efforts to entice them.

However, not every intent data supplier will be suitable for your company. Continue reading to learn about some of the best B2B intent data providers and how they can help your company generate revenue.

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If you're not familiar with intent data, you'll quickly understand how important it may be for expanding your marketing efforts and sales pipeline. Intent data, as the name implies, provides insight into what an online user intends to do next. Top intent data providers can leverage indications from online searches and activity to evaluate if a person is conducting preliminary research or is ready to discover the best solution to their problems and potentially purchase from your organization. Finally, intent data providers provide enterprises with a comprehensive picture of their consumers, delivering insights that may be used to improve data gathering processes and decision-making.

Types of intent data

It's worth noting that not all intent data is created equal, but we'll get to that in a moment. Currently, there are three forms of intent data: first-party, second-party, and third-party.

First-party intent data is highly relevant user information that your organization has ethically consented to, gathered, and owns.

Second-party intent data as the term implies, is information gathered by a third party and then sold or shared with a firm outside of your industry.

Third-party intent data is data collected by third-party companies and then sold to anyone who wants it. Purchasers of third-party data do not own the information, and it is being scrutinized for violating user privacy.

How to use it?

Do you ever do some online exploring of products but don't buy anything, and then the next day see Facebook Ads for the same product? Or has your company ever researched software and then received an email from one of their sales agents the next day? That is because of intent data! Every company that uses intent data does it in a somewhat different way, depending on their goals and usual sales funnel. Marketers rely heavily on intent data, with nearly all of them using it to some extent in their marketing activities. According to InboxInsight, 26% of B2B marketers only utilize first-party data, 19% only use third-party data, and the remaining 55% use both.

Top 5 intent data providers to increase your sales rapidly

You may be asking why marketers need intent data. We understand that sales and marketing must work closely together, but shouldn't sales take the lead on this one? Your sales staff will undoubtedly use intent data on a daily basis, but it is equally critical to use intent data in your marketing plan.

The top intent data providers listed below can provide you with invaluable insight into what your potential customers are looking for at each stage of the buyers journey while looking to acquire a solution to their problems. This implies that when those potential buyers search, you can ensure they find you through marketing efforts such as a FAQ section on your website, a blog post, a white paper, or a detailed video for difficult explanations.

1. AverickMedia


AverickMedia is a customer-focused B2B data supplier based in the United States. Data protection tools have been adjusted to offer sales intelligence solutions with qualified leads. AverickMedia's custom list build service can generate a list of hard-to-find contacts from niche industries that can be filtered based on many parameters such as Job Roles, Business Type, SIC & NAICS Codes, Firmographics, Credit Rating, Sales Volume, Year Business Started, and so on. All these intent data are double-verified prior to their delivery.

Advantages of AverickMedia

  • Custom list based on your target audience
  • Access contact and company data from over 170 countries
  • Reach your targets in a personalized way by using email marketing and mobile direct dials.
  • Use advanced search parameters to improve your sales process

2. ZoomInfo


Source: ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo.com claims to have over 106 million organizations profiled in its database. ZoomInfo can give information such as email addresses, phone numbers, company kinds, addresses, EINs, and more for businesses. It also integrates with your existing marketing and sales tools, such as HubSpot, Google Chrome, and Salesforce.

Advantages of ZoomInfo

  • You can have access to a network of over 300,000 publisher domains.
  • Get real-time B2B intent data to assist you in identifying important decision-makers.
  • Create automated workflows to improve the efficiency of your sales process.
  • With Streaming Intent, you may gain insights on prospects who are interested in themes connected to your product.
  • Use a B2B database with over 300 intent data characteristics for CRM processing.

3. 6sense


Source: 6sense

6sense specializes in analyzing anonymous purchasing behavior. This enables your sales and marketing teams to create personalized, multi-channel, multi-touch campaigns that will entice your customers. Furthermore, 6sense is the only account-based platform that employs artificial intelligence to forecast trends in customer behavior patterns.

Advantages of 6sense

  • Capture insights from reliable and timely B2B sources.
  • Gain access to the full prospect's buying team information.
  • Use artificial intelligence to better forecast when to engage with leads.
  • Gather information about buyer activity from website visitors and competitor sites.

4. Demandbase


Source: Demandbase

Demandbase's comprehensive Marketing Suite assists marketing and sales teams in collaborating, sharing intelligence, and experiencing growth. The account-based experience cloud, advertising cloud, data cloud, and sales intelligence cloud are all linked technologies in their suite. Demandbase users may win bigger business deals faster by merging these products into one handy solution.

Advantages of Demandbase

  • View accurate intent data that is supported by solid mechanisms that verify its quality.
  • Access data from multiple partner sources to expand the scope of your data.
  • Provides intent data at various points of the buyer journey.
  • Determine optimal targets depending on the technologies they employ.

5. Bombora


Source: Bombora

Bombora monitors a potential buyer's activity across over 4,000 websites to assist marketers in predicting what they're looking for. Because the data they collect is entirely voluntary, it is deemed privacy-compliant intent data. Their data is collected directly with consent, and it integrates with software that you are most likely already using. However, because Bombora relies on third-party cookie data, you can never own first-intent data.

Advantages of Bombora

  • Analyze data from your prospects' whole customer journey.
  • You can gain access to aggregate data from over 3 million B2B firms.
  • Determine which organizations may be increasing their spending
  • Work with comprehensive B2B intent data that has a track record of success.
  • Access fully compliant data on the vast majority of B2B websites.

Reach out to the qualified Prospects


Without question, intent data will remain an important component of marketing and sales. Having the appropriate information might be the key difference between success and failure in account-based marketing in today's data-driven environment. Purchase intent data is a great tool for gaining real-time insight into customer behavior and making better-educated decisions regarding your go-to-market strategy.

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